Signatures 45,001-50,434

Number Name Comment
45001 Riley Wilson Ron Paul is what America currently needs. He’s a strong leader, that’s not afraid to speak his mind.
45002 Name not displayed
45003 Gilmore Daniel
45004 Klaas D Meerstra I Wish you all the luck you can get, may God bless you succes and be carefull, don’t get killed !
45005 La Shia Whitter Although I have no party affiliation, I feel that Ron Paul can make some necessary and honestly, overdue changes to this nation. I would support him 200 times more than any other Republican candidate like Donald Trump or Sarah Palin. We need somebody with guts who isn’t afraid to put their ideas out there and conform to one thought process. GO RON PAUL!
45006 Name not displayed
45007 Name not displayed
45008 carrie seidl
45009 Yan Demyanov please let me know how I can help
45010 Name not displayed you have my vote!
45011 Name not displayed
45012 David E Hostetter The Constitution came out of the mindset laid down by the Declaration of Independence. It promotes a non-biased win/win for every citizen regardless of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc.. It supports equal justice, opportunity, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all not just the elite or the current majority. May the Creator bless the U.S. of A. by helping you to restore us to the values and principles espoused in the Declaration of Independence and U.S Constitution by our Founding Fathers.
45013 Kristine
45014 Cristi Thorne
45015 Connor Sterrett You are the only one who wants to adhere to the Constitution. Thank you.
45016 Name not displayed We need you! You have my vote, for sure!
45018 Soamer Jamil Keep the movement going!
45019 Chris Fucci Ron Paul is the last hope for America. I once felt proud to be an American. And the anthem used to make me swell with pride, but unfortunatley, this tyrannical elite of the globalist have ruined that over time. Run Paul Run!!
45020 justin lingle i really appreciate everything you stand for i myself want the fed to end.
45021 Michael Jeffrey Buxton
45022 Dean Sheridan lets do it!
45023 Name not displayed
45024 jennifer
45025 Kara
45026 Justin M. Egertson
45027 Jared Boot You’re amazing!!! Yes liberty for all! GAH if only I were at that debate I would have whistled and cheered my heart out. I’m openly gay and would vote for you Dr. Paul!!
45028 Miles Quirk Were so fucked! help!!
45029 Justin Czolowski
45030 Name not displayed We all need u to run ..Obama knows u can beat him that’s why the mainstream media is downplaying you even though u are clearly the best choice for next president .
45031 Name not displayed
45032 Charlie Peters Audit the fed, support HR 459 Paul
45033 Michael Rockwell
45034 Name not displayed Please run, we need you’re leadership to fix the many problems that this administration has caused. You as President and Herman Cain as VP would be exactly what is needed to get America back on track.
45035 Brittany Cava Bring the constitution back to life!
45036 Jeff Porter Helps us bring true freedom back to this country
45037 Clayton Volner Dr. Paul, please stand up and run against the evil and tyranny that currently occupies the whitehouse. I believe i speak for the rest of these people when i say if you stand up and run we all have your back! God Bless You and i look forward to hearing your announcement. Thank You
45038 Colin Fowler
45039 Name not displayed
45040 Emrielle Fallis America needs a smart person who doesn’t fall victim to corporate bribes.
45041 Przemek Lodej This nation cannot afford Ron Paul not to run! We need sound thinkers in the White House.
45042 Andrew Wallen Please run!
45043 jim kretovics Now I know who you are ,Please run we need you.
45044 Kaitlin Reid
45045 Katrina Herbin Ron Paul please run for president, our future depends on you. WE THE PEOPLE NEED YOU AND YOU HAVE OUR SUPPORT!
45046 Scott Sniedzins really need to get your word out there!
45047 Matt Bradshaw
45048 Name not displayed The remnant returns!
45049 Anthony J Traino I believe that Ron is one of the few with an understanding of our country’s great woes and honest enough to do the right thing if he were elected. We need someone that is not corruptable and is respectful to our founding document, The Constitution.
45050 Larrae Iencarelli Please run!
45051 Adam Bargas Sir, the worst that could happen is that the people say no, it is worth a try considering what we face otherwise. Thank you.
45052 Jeremy
45053 Gilmore E. Daniel, Jr. Auditing the FED is the place to start then re-think government in the US. Dr. Paul is the person that can lead us through all of it.
45054 Samira Sharif
45055 Darryl Talbot Clean house!
45056 Name not displayed Keep it Ron Paul! 2012 is your year,and the peoples year
45057 Amma Dancing
45058 Brian Hopkins
45059 Zackery Ashton This country needs you!
45060 Lars Gray Thank you Dr. Paul.

We the people need you.

again thank you,

Lars Gray
45062 Michael Wartman How this country cannot see clearly that Ron Paul is the truth and the solution is beyond me… Ron Paul, we NEED you in 2012…
45063 Rick Dunne We need a honest leader like you
45064 Name not displayed I just watched a video where you debated in 2007 about the foreign policy. Where you were saying that it’s better for anyone if the USA stopped to police the world. I strongly agree. I don’t want any foreign country deciding what my country should do. I don’t want any other city deciding what my city would do. And I don’t want anyone else telling me what I should and what I should not do in my own house.

I think this is one of the things necessary to get freedom all over the world: respecting that someone else has the right to decide for himself!

And, as far as I know, you are the candidate that embodies that view mostly. (Aside from the pro-life view, on which I think a pregnant woman (that hasn’t chosen to become pregnant) should also have the right to decide for herself.)
45066 chris
45067 Chritopher M Serrone
45068 Stephanie Clark
45069 Trevvor Clark
45070 Mary Hogan
45071 Jordan Lindsay
45072 Name not displayed let’s go again!
45073 Andrew Coppler I love what you stand for and you make a lot of great points. If you were elected, I believe we would be on the right track so solving a lot of the problems that plague our country. Much love to you Mr. Paul!
45074 Name not displayed We need you my good man. You are truly Americas last hope. May God be on your side my good friend.
45075 Felix I Herrera If we don’t change the economic grip that special interest have on our government, the country we leave to our children is one that is doomed to implode and stop being the dream that our founding fathers had when they started this great republic.
45076 Adam Cllist Wynant you have my vote.
45077 Jerry Velasquez You my boy uncle ron ron!
45078 Zack McFerren
45079 Brett Stirrat
45080 Name not displayed Mr Paul,

Of all the candidate’s I have observed in the 6 years I have been eligible to vote, no one has excited me in the way that you do. You stance on the most fundamental issues facing us today is compelling, frankly brilliant and simply the most constitutional that I know. I believe you are the man that America desperately needs in the Oval Office and I will work to see that get there.
45081 Clint Nobama!!
45082 Name not displayed Ron needs us! Tell everyone about him. Share videos. Knock on doors. It’s never too early. He can win.
45083 Adonis Abeledo rEVOLution
45084 Steven Greenawalt
45085 Ali Kiaee It’s time Dr. Paul. What other reasonable options do we have now? Only you.
45086 dale hockstra Preach on reverend!!!
45087 Lance
45088 Kyle Brucker We need your strong common sense to lead our country back to prosperity!
45089 Cary Prejean You are the only candidate worthy of receiving the vote of the people because you are the only candidate willing to work for the true benefit "of the people." In any case, you have my support and gratitude for everything you’d done over your career and for igniting the American people to care about their government again.
45090 Christopher Hickman You’ll have my time and energy in Virginia! We can take back the Republic. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!
45091 Name not displayed
45092 Name not displayed
45093 Eden Please run in the 2012 elections, you’re the only voice of reason the campaigning parties have, a champion of the constitution whose dared to step up and uphold his beliefs in the face of media pressures. Don’t back down, we are all behind you and eager for the hope that you represent. Our hearts and minds are with you, we want a return to the land our founding fathers first established. You’re the only candidate who understands the road to freedom.
45094 Deborah Nelson
45095 Stewart Campbell Go Ron Paul. great speech in Reno, NV
45096 Eric Godat Help strike the right balance of all three branches of government to make the economic engine run optimally!
45097 Jean-Claude Boattin
45098 Name not displayed
45099 James Gray
45100 Patrick Maney
45101 Michael J. Long Ron Paul 2012 continue the revaloveution
45102 Josh Phelps
45103 Name not displayed I hope you really are serious about changing things…there has been way too much of the same.
45104 Robert Branch Im behind you 100% as long as you dont give us the old bait and switch like so many have done before.
45105 Britt You’re our best option. You speak the truth, you’re willing to provide for the people, and you’re hell of a lot better than Trump and Palin would ever be.

You will change America for the good. You’ll finally redeem ourselves. Please run. It will be worth it. You’re our president.
45106 Robert Stuthridge Patriotic Americans supported you back in 2008. Patriotic Americans need you more than ever in 2012.
45107 Jacob Gonzales
45108 Aimee Lynne Ron, you are amazing. WE NEED YOU!
45109 Benjamin Eric Harrer
45110 Steve Largent
45111 Brandon Eaker I voted for you in 08 and will again. You give me hope for the government.
45112 Name not displayed
45113 Truong Q. Le
45114 Name not displayed Let’s keep the hope alive and turn it into a reality. :D
45115 Majid Alaeddin
45116 Timothy Hansen The issues plaguing this nation have gone too far for too long. You are the only person who actually addresses these problems and is presenting solutions. Best of luck and God bless.
45117 Anthony Stanziano You speak with logic.
45118 John Ward I voted for you in 2008 and will again in 2012, even if I have to write you in. Also, please tell your fellow Texan, Ross Perot, if he still wants a chance to save this country, I’d be grateful if he provide you with $10MM +. Whether or not you agree with his beliefs, he was the only other Presidential candidate, besides yourself, that I believe spoke the truth about the issues in this country and had non-political ways of dealing with them. Thank you for all you have done!
45119 Debbie Lavo I wrote in your name in the last Presidential election! This time your name will have you as the next Republican candidate and you WILL WIN with flying colors!!! I BELIEVE IN RON PAUL 2012!!!!
45120 Name not displayed
45121 Damian Waller Our founders would be proud.
45122 William W. A revolution has been murmuring in this country; Ron Paul is the the vessel in which such a revolution can be delivered! Bring us back our country!
45123 Kenny Setzer Vote for the best candidate. End of story.
45124 Travis Wheeland
45125 Name not displayed
45126 Danny Maresca
45127 dan farquharson
45128 Brian Milinski Please run for president. The young people of america need an older figure who has a brain. You can help start changing the ignorance of the American people. The college students of America support you !
45129 Gregg Omine Ron Paul President of the United States of America.
45130 Samantha Heinrichs
45131 Name not displayed
45132 Christopher Foster
45133 Name not displayed all for ron paul
45134 Jerry Pollock
45135 Erik Kludasch Finally a politician who can base his foreign and domestic policy on reason and not faith..
45136 Name not displayed all the way with ron paul
45137 Name not displayed Save the republic! Vote the last sane politician; Ron Paul.
45138 Randy Fernatt Thank You for your Intergrety I hope you become Pres. so the Country and World would see what it is all about. Thanks for deciding to run
45139 Alan Owen This might be our last chance…
45140 Name not displayed It’s time to wake up and realize we can change things. I believe in Ron Paul! Its not him alone the people of these United States of America must stand up and say no more! I will vote for Dr. Paul and muster all the support I can give. Not one of the candidates will talk about the real issues like the Federal Reserve!
45141 Name not displayed Thank you for all of the work you have done thusfar.
45142 Name not displayed Don’t make me write you in, i won’t vote for someone i don’t believe in.

We are at a point that real change MUST occur for us to survive our futures. I have never felt any candidate actually respected others freedoms and liberty prior to seeing the censored footage of the 2008 presidential media.

There is enough of a new generation who has the means to communicate freely without censorship, without propaganda. And we are fed up with the course of this nation.
45143 Name not displayed veritas truth the only salvation for the nation
45144 Name not displayed Don’t make me write you in, i won’t vote for someone i don’t believe in.

We are at a point that real change MUST occur for us to survive our futures. I have never felt any candidate actually respected others freedoms and liberty prior to seeing the censored footage of the 2008 presidential media.

There is enough of a new generation who has the means to communicate freely without censorship, without propaganda. And we are fed up with the course of this nation.
45145 Tyler Barbaree please run
45146 Jessie Harvey I’m tired of not having someone normal to choose from.
45147 Jason Cummins Ron, You can count on me to be a champion for you! God bless you and thank you for what you do for our country!
45148 Name not displayed
45149 Joe Druciak
45150 Heidi Ziegler
45151 Mark Dickson Dr. Paul. I want you to know how desperately our country needs your leadership. I pledge to you that I will do everything within my power to lend my support to your campaign and attempt to educate and expose to everyone that I know your views and potential as our future leader. The powers-at-large are shaking in their shoes because they already know you cannot be bought or influenced as most all of our ‘elected’ representatives are currently. Keep your course, hold fast and know that for every one who vocalizes our support for you - there are a thousand who silently desire the same. You represent everything good that can be of a political figure and my family yearns for the things that you strive to achieve. We will win in 2012 - together, we will win. ?
45152 Teresa Kennedy
45153 Name not displayed
45154 Michael Hroch 2012!!!!
45155 Sarah Christian You won my vote at the debate last night! I know you weren’t on your A-Game but you were personable and definitely have the right idea where this country should be going!! Thank you!
45156 John Elwood We need a President who will push for free markets, reduced government, reduced military interventions / spending. Please run and stop the oppression of the American people by the current and former administrations.
45157 Ryan Do it!
45158 Natalie Collier
45159 Name not displayed No one understands and defends the Constitution like Ron Paul. America needs drastic change. Only Ron Paul has the guts to do it- and do it right.
45160 BT Dr. Ron Paul, you are the only hope for this country!
45161 Name not displayed
45162 Mr K J Rathbone please could you please have another run for the presidency, for the sake of the whole world not seeing sense,and thank you for educating the american people to the lies and badness that is carried out in there name . thank you.
45163 Michael Brown time to finally get are constitution and liberities rightfully restored!! ron paul 2012
45164 Name not displayed RON PAUL 2012!!
45165 steve delong freedom
45166 Name not displayed Go Ron Paul!
45167 dillon mcnabb
45168 Chris Teichler A REAL conservative in the GOP? Sounds good to me!
45169 Name not displayed Ron Paul you and Dennis Kucinich are the only sane politicians.

Good luck and G’day from Australia.
45170 Jafar We want to be free, Ron Paul seems like the most freedom loving politician I have met god bless you please run.
45171 Joseph Douglas Ron Paul defends the freedoms and liberties of every American in this country. It is time for the rest of the nation to see that.
45172 Name not displayed Easy solution for a worldwide balanced economy. All debts public and private need to be forgiven by the IMF and Federal Reserve since all countries are in debt. A new start like a monopoly game should begin with all countries and states given enough money to successfully cover infrastructure and creation of new jobs and educational opportunities etc. Each adult of 21, worldwide, would also individually receive $35,000 to start a new life. Since economics is not backed by gold, it’s just necessary for them to print off payments to governments and people. Those in the IMF and Federal Reserve will be thought of as "Adept Apprentices" and be loved by all. Answer to the worldwide problem.
45173 Gary Keehner Ron Paul as the founding father of a new America
45174 Name not displayed
45175 Daniel Zhang Ron Paul! you are the man! You will beat Obama and lead the nation to a great Victory!
45176 Name not displayed LEAD US TO VICTORY
45177 SPC Brian Henderson It would be phenomenal if Ron Paul ran in 2012.

Sappers lead the way.
45178 Name not displayed
45179 Mike Porterfield you are our last hope
45180 Thomas Freed Only a fiscal conservative like you can save our country. I became a Republican in 2008 just so I could nominate you.
45181 James Gillies
45182 tabletkiodchudzajace I have added to my favorites, good work

tabletki na odchudzanie
45183 Chris Richards
45184 Ralph Rhodesw
45185 Name not displayed Please Run! We NEED YOU!
45186 Name not displayed Revolution…
45187 howard duhaime ron paul in 2012!!
45188 Name not displayed WE NEED YOU RON!
45189 Name not displayed Sir, We need you turn our government upside down: We support you
45190 Name not displayed I pray for your health and safety and respectfully request you to run for the Presidency of the United States of Amerca. Best Wishes to you. Ron Paul in 2012!!
45191 Donald Barrett
45192 Lucas Taylor Ron Paul is the only politician I vote for.
45194 matthew I have more than respect for you Ron Paul you have my vote and support.
45195 Drew Fitzgerald Dr. Paul,

We need you. This future of this nation needs you, the people need you, and LIBERTY NEEDS YOU. I agree with so many others who have said that they want to vote for someone because it FEELS RIGHT, not because they are the lesser of two evils. You, have never made one comment I didn’t like. You speak to my heart directly. You should be our next president, and you should sit for two terms. It will take much, much longer than two terms to fix everything but if you had a chance, I know you can make a difference. Please run Dr. Paul.
45196 Angela Skabla America needs you, sir. You are the answer!
45197 Name not displayed
45198 William Demarest Absolutely proud to have my name posted proudly in this effort to support Ron Paul!!! Sir, I salute you.
45199 Name not displayed We need you, please run.
45200 Lancelot Castle Defense of the constitution and the right of the individual are of outmost importance.
45201 Anthony lumbra We need you
45202 Name not displayed Thanks for making a stand.
45203 Lewis Rice
45204 Vincent C Lee He will help make this the great country we think it is, but it is not at this point. Help us and we will do anything to help you Dr. Paul. We as a people of America need to do our part to better this country! RP 2012
45205 Robert Butler Dr. Paul, you have had my vote since day one.
45206 Robert Cooper America needs someone who believes in the constitution and defends it instead of calling the founding fathers terrorists.
45207 Name not displayed I really fear for this country’s future. We don’t even know who is running it anymore. False flag psyop after false flag psyop and an illegitimate President. We didn’t get hope or change in 2008, we got hoodwinked!
45208 Robert Vote!
45209 Jake Wnukowski Somewhere along the line, freedom has become less free, and we can do something about it, all you have to do is want to.
45210 Chris Yergeau Clearly Ron, you understand the action that needs to occur in this country to make it a success like it once was.
45211 donovan sigerfoos Where is the campaign HQ in Austin, Texas?
45212 Chris Ledgerwood I think in these times of out of control government, and spending, that the constitution hold the answers to our problems. I have faith in the only man I know of who consistently uphold the principals laid out by the constitution and our founders.
45213 Tim Ercanbrack The time is now Dr. Paul !!!
45214 KB Muhleman We need you more than ever Dr. Paul and I believe you are the man who will bring America back from the brink. Keep spreading the word, I’ll do the same. Your the ONLY politician I have ever truly wanted to see in office. Usually, I’m just voting to keep the statist Democrats as far away from government as I can. You have given me a new hope in terms of what politicians in America can, and should be. Ive always been a conservative Republican with libertarian leanings but you have opened my eyes to ideas and perspectives I never previously considered. You as President will be the ONLY good thing Obama has given us. I will donate to the campaign (something Ive never done previously) as soon as I get the rest of your books.
45215 Name not displayed Ron Paul could lead America to a better future than many and other representatives trying to represent the United States of America. The future of America depends on the humility and representation of the U.S. Constitution and Ron Paul could lead us to the proud and wonderful nation America used to be and represent. 2012 Ron Paul!
45216 Melissa Rentfrow
45217 Joaquin monjarez II
45218 William White
45219 Name not displayed
45220 Richard Rodriguez You sir are the only man that i can see who can truly fix the problems that face this nation. You have my vote and my support. I will campaign for you.

p.s. i already have my roomies and family on board! God bless Sir
45221 Joshua Douglas End the unconstitutional stranglehold on American freedom by the Fed! Restore solid money! End this financial dictatorship and get us out of the U.N.
45222 Name not displayed
45223 michael c gabrell II Restore liberty. America needs you.
45224 Bart Leyko, MD Ron Paul is the only reasonable politician in Washington DC.
45225 Name not displayed
45226 Theodore T. Wagner I wrote you in in 2008. I just couldn’t bring myself to vote for anyone else. You remain the best man for the job.
45227 Michael Schiebel
45228 Mark Harris Dr. Paul, if you’re elected, could you please explain to congress that ‘We the People’ thing again? It seems that they’ve forgotten the concept. Thanks.
45229 Name not displayed We need you now more than ever!
45230 logan crump I won’t back down.
45231 Michael W. Cope You are true American Hero our founders would be proud. Help guide us in getting our country back .
45232 Noel Espinales
45233 Tara Menkhaus You are the only politician worth listening to -the only one who speaks words with meaning and principle. If you choose to run, I will support you. God bless you and thank you for devoting you time, energy and money to liberty. I wish there were more people like you.
45234 Thomas Kelly
45235 Morgan Speck
45236 Robert Whitfield
45237 Jorge Velasco
45238 Cody Hensley Ron we need you to run in 2012!!!!
45239 brittany robbins we need change!!!!!!
45240 Matthew McCann
45241 Name not displayed You have the support of myself and my family.
45242 Name not displayed
45243 Michael McConnell PAUL 2012!!!!!!!
45244 Steven McCarty Save our country!!
45245 Dan Duncan The "front-runners" in the Dems and Repubs are ignorant robots who hate the Constitution. Only a handful of public figures have a shred of integrity, including Dr. Paul. I include Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nader and Harry Belefonte. Tom Campbell in California has not get been tricked out of his integrity.

Good luck, guys!
45246 Taylor Hetherington
45247 Joshua Christopher Harvey Thank you for inspiring me to learn about liberty and I hope that together we can defend and promote it!
45248 Susana Puente
45249 Rebekah
45250 Manuel Puente
45251 Eric Jones
45252 Tanner Gower We need an honest president, we haven’t had one since JFK. Ron Paul is that president.
45253 Robert Wallace
45254 James Wilkerson You have given me a reason to care about this election. I finally feel like there is an actual choice this time. Time to have a President who believes in the people of our country and their ability to take control of their own lives!
45255 Wanda Violet Run, Ron, Run!! We will be with you the whole way. We need you to defend our Constitution. Thank you for your service to the principles on which our country was founded.
45256 Sean This country and the world needs you Ron. We need to bring back freedom to the US in order to reestablish prosperity and individuality. Fight till the end Ron, we really need a revolution
45257 Lisa Zvetkoff Ron,

We need you and you are the only man on the stage I trust. You are seasoned, brilliant, and make a better president because you ARE older. This is coming from a 33 year old female ;) You are our only HOPE!
45258 Rachelle Totsonii Our country is in crisis. Our future is in danger of an economic meltdown just like the reactors in Japan. We need a real man and leader to take the reigns and run. You are that man and leader. You have more support than you realize. For all of the little people who live paycheck to paycheck, minorities, gays, constitution believers, gun owners, animal lovers, IRS haters and logical people I hope you are successful in this campaign. You have my vote and everyone I know will know what a great man you are!!
45259 Name not displayed
45260 Name not displayed We need a representative Who truly represents the voice of the people!!!
45261 James Leggett And do not change when you get there
45262 John Pruitt You’re my hero!
45263 Luke Wapelhorst
45264 Lei lu
45265 Ryan Clark Wed need a candidate that really wants to return to the ideals of our founders and follow the constitution not just say what they think will get them elected. We need a unwaivering constitutionalist. We need you Ron Paul.
45266 Divinity Ron Paul is the only Republican that wouldn’t make me leave the country screaming if he won the Presidency.
45267 Martha Chiriboga Ron, you have the voice I need in the Capitol.
45268 Derek Mirza
45269 Steve Parlacoski
45270 Grant Liao
45271 Frank Henderson Day 1 - bring troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq. Victory! America saved.
45272 Jillian Pierone WE NEED YOU.
45273 Ellisabeth Dear Dr. Paul,

It is rare indeed, to find a person of such integrity, unadulterated knowledge, and the moral fortitude, to practice not only in his profession as physician, but in the political arena, the principal command of the Hippocratic oath: “First, do no harm!”

I believe your intent is protected by destiny. Darkness will be sublimated into light, until this planet and all thereon, will live in harmony.

The thoughts of those who determinedly focus on seeing you in the presidency, will manifest in reality!

45274 Name not displayed Please run!for President!! WE need you more than ever! You can help us start real CHANGE! Much LOVE the Ackerley Family
45275 Mike Fleming It’s time to get to the root of our problems
45276 James Guenther I absolutely agree on your stances on economics as well as liberty. I think that our fiscal rights and social rights are one and the same. I would love to see all of our troops home and the abolishment of the FED.
45277 Michael Robinson please run!
45278 Name not displayed I’ve never been so interested in Politics until I heard Ron Paul speak. Get the people involved and make a real difference.
45279 James Perryman
45280 Thomas Allen
45281 Troy Traweek GO RON PAUL!!!
45282 Jonathan Walliser Ron Paul has a much better grasp of how to get the United States back to a good foundation and stop the endless wars
45283 Harold E. Casperson
45284 Anne Foley
45285 Michael E Isaacs I am an independent I agree with all of your viewpoints other then views on abortion I am not an abortion advocate but I believe that a woman should have the right to choose and also in the cases of rape or medical reasons for termination of pregnancy but everything elese I have read you are right on the money. Be very careful who you choose as a running mate. I do believe in the seperation of church and state most wars have been fought because of religeon. But the government shouild have no say in the peoples practice of religion. I respect your consistancy and your refusal to back down from your principles. I will vote for you and campaign for you. We need to get you in front of the people to show alol that you stand for and let them appreciate your views on a leaner government a stronger dollar. Less involvement in imperialism. More involvement in making our nation prosperous once again. We need to stop letting other candidates dicredit you because you are not an actor or a great speaker but you are someone who understands the constitution and why it should continue to be the backbone of america!
45286 Jeff Anderson We’re are working for you in California!! I have never lived in the Republic I was taught about as a Child. I am ready to taste freedom, and help shape our future!
45287 Danica I believe in you and your presidency! i support you 100% :D
45288 Name not displayed We would like you to take the reigns and we back you 100%
45289 Ben Flailin
45290 Name not displayed
45291 Name not displayed
45292 Louis S Holmes For the sake of my grandchildren future, please run and win in 2012
45293 Thomas Zdunek GO for it Ron. The only man worthy of leading the US.
45294 Name not displayed God bless you, your family, and America. Please help us and our future generations.
45295 Name not displayed Ron Paul is my man. I am spreading the word every chance I get.
45296 Steven Mamat
45297 Name not displayed Go For IT!!!!!!!
45298 Alex Shahrestani A vote for Paul is like a vote for the founding fathers, how could you not make that vote?
45299 Joshua LaGrange
45300 Todd Anderson You are our last chance to get government spending under control before we are swallowed by it.
45301 Afsaneh B Shortt I would vote for you in an instant. You are a man of character, and you take your oath of office seriously. I cannot think of any other candidate who would have the same characteristics as you.
45302 Name not displayed
45303 Dean Dodaro Consider this my vote!
45304 Name not displayed Ron paul 2012!!!!
45305 Joe Childress
45306 Name not displayed
45307 Javier B. He is a good man, politician, and our new hope.

45308 Name not displayed
45309 Laura DiCarlo I would be thrilled if Ron Paul ran for president and even more thrilled if he won! I know a diverse group of people who feel the same way.
45310 Josh Haulk
45311 Jermaine M. Hargrove Ron, you have given the youth of America a renewed sense of hope in our Government! You’re my president 2012! :)
45312 Augusta Verschoor We need a president that will stand for our constitutional rights and return our country to it’s people.
45313 Megan C Give America hope!
45314 Jason Sykes RUN RON RUN!
45315 Kimberly Black
45316 Brian Harris
45317 Miles Dyson
45318 Name not displayed Ron Paul… you are the man
45319 Brad Pevonka Dr. Paul, You are someone who can truly bring the change that this country, and my generation need to see. Help us once again make America into a land of Liberty and Prosperity.
45320 Timothy Ray
45321 Alyson Bermudez
45322 Tyler Bolick
45323 Robert Maloney
45324 magdaleno jimenez we need change now!
45325 Chritopher Reeves Please run for president our country needs you.You have strong will & beleif to get America back on track before its to late.Ron Paul Revolution 2012.
45326 dina reeves i love ron paul
45327 Richard Hodges
45328 Name not displayed Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, two honest men. Could they work together? I would have voted for Paul/Barr in 2008 even though I don’t trust Mr. Barr yet. I’d love another chance to vote for Ron Paul. Being an American citizen should once again be a chance for proud personal responsibility.
45329 David Woodward
45330 Name not displayed I’m tired of big government wasting my money!
45331 Joe Spitzley Tyranny Response Team
45332 Justin Tiemann I would have voted for you in the last presidential race and will support you if you decide to help America in 2012
45333 Marshall Greenlee Please fight fire with fire! And in that I mean be creative and predict your opponents next move to bring you down and beat them to it!!!
45334 Matt Johnson
45335 Drew H America needs a leader with common sense and good intentions
45336 Name not displayed
45337 Name not displayed
45338 Name not displayed
45339 Timothy L Healy
45340 Frederic Hoyos run…man…run
45341 Name not displayed We need you.
45342 Name not displayed
45343 Jennifer Scott We need a man who will reform government & get it back to the way it was intended to be.
45344 James Uprichard A President with integrity! What a refreshing change.
45345 Blake Go sir!!!
45346 Chase Miller Please, for the love of god get Obama out and Ron Paul in there.
45347 Spencer Stewart We need your help, we cant win the fight alone. Please run.
45348 Robert A. Kalosy Run Ron Run! The US is at a crossroads that needs new direction-original direction!
45349 Name not displayed Leave it to Dr. Paul to carry out what was intended from the forefathers in the first place. whoop
45350 Name not displayed Ron Paul or NOTHING!
45351 Name not displayed
45352 Name not displayed
45353 Mark Latham
45354 Lora Kousounis
45355 Name not displayed Good luck Congressman Paul.
45356 George Young If anyone can offer REAL solutions to US problems, it’s Ron Paul. He is the only candidate I have seen in my lifetime that addresses issues we all know exist and choose to ignore. His ideas may seem far fetched at first but if you believe fundamental change is possible, then believe that Ron Paul can make it happen.
45357 Name not displayed
45358 Erik Konar When you win, I want to see some of the wall street gangsters and banksters in jail!!!!
45359 James Stine
45360 Joshua Gaddis Mr. Ron Paul, your ideals are America’s ideals. We need you in the white house to fight for our civil liberties with us and return order back to this wonderful nation. Please!
45361 Rev. Brett M. Schuler This country needs you.
45362 Bart
45363 Chimezie America Needs You Dr. Paul.
45364 Sanjit Pradhananga
45365 Galina
45366 John Adams
45367 Newton Romero Ron Paul is our savior, God Bless you i will be voting for you my brother !
45368 laurel oconnor This is your year!!
45369 Jamel Jarvis I would vote for you regardless of political party affiliation. I don’t really support politics at all but I find you inspire me and that I cannot easily dislike or mistrust you. More to the point, you make a lot of sense. I like the idea of working for a living in a traditional sense by submitting to employment because it’s comfortable and nothing new to me but advanced automation augmented with "AI" capabilities, to use the word loosely, will make most workers obsolete in the foreseeable future. I suspect altruism is more important and natural in the human psyche than we currently recognize when allowed to flourish. I think you are a great man Dr Ron Paul. I respect and admire you. There are perhaps some more progressive policies that may be beneficial in the future but for right now we need your constitutionally grounded foundation of American Liberty to build on. Hopefully truth of both fundamental liberty and humanity shine brightly on our descendants for generations to come. Freedom. It’s what we all want. It’s a pity we are so easily enslaved.
45370 Blaine Wilsher
45371 Danny Duvall
45372 Jeremy Garrett
45373 James Gillies Dr. Paul.

Not since Barry Goldwater has there been a political figure on the scene who has clearly spoken out like yourself on the principles and values of individual freedom, free-market capitalism, sound money and limited constitutional government. I am 73 years old, and have spent all of my adult life studying and fighting against the radical-left and globalist agents and forces, which have been hard at work for the past 60 or 70 years undermining our constitutional Republic. By stealth and sedition, they are transforming America from the wonderful country bequeathed to us by our founding fathers – the greatest experiment in human freedom and opportunity in history, into a socialist, secular humanistic. Godless, perverse country, unrecognizable as America. Their goal is to destroy our moral fabric, our freedoms, our constitution, our sovereignty, our traditions and history, and our economy. They are well on their way towards achieving this goal, with the election of Marxist, illegitimate usurper Barack Obama. Their goal is to drag us helpless, into a Godless, socialist world government, under the control of the international bankers, the Federal Reserve and the Godless, Marxist UN. As stated in the above letter, America is in dire peril, from the radical-Communist Obama regime, and the Godless NWO. You are one of the very few who sees and understands this. You are our Ron Paul Revere!. You have my vote, and my heart!
45374 Name not displayed
45375 nicolas wahl We gotta get the word out. We gotta get real adds on big time Tv stations. We gotta get Ron Paul into the mainstream media. They don’t want him there so we have to ram him down their throats.
45376 Baba Jacob I am an American ex-pat international school teacher. For the first time, and perhaps only time, in my life I will vote Republican in 2012. I will vote for you. Your the only actual "real person" running everyone else seems to be a tool of some kind. Your the only one that makes complete sense. You are a "Great Educator" and have taught me a great deal about what good governance looks like. I can support you spiritually. I know Meher Baba loves you and so do I. I think this election is a matter of life and death for America. From my perspective living outside of America, it is clearly an Empire. We are at the very gates of open fascism. My hope is that it may still not be too late hold that off if you were to win. I think you are pretty much the last chance to save the ideal of America as a Republic. God bless you.
45377 Aaron H You are truly ahead of your time. We need you now more than ever… Thank you so much!!!
45378 David Angellatta
45379 Kelly Cuevas We need someone who will fight for limited government, someone who can take back America from big corporations and put it back in the hands of the people.
45380 William Schmidt We need the revolution back to the Constitution and a Candidate that believes in personal freedom.

Live to Be Free.
45381 Robert Bernard Elliott Please help us fight to take back our basic freedoms, we need your voice!
45382 Name not displayed Please return our liberty
45383 Name not displayed God Bless you.
45384 Forrest Ahkiviana
45385 Jennifer Hart I am a registered Democrat simply because at the impressionable age of 18 my grandfather was a democrat. He was my idol, and that was over 20 years ago. I’ve never "officially" "switched" parties because I always felt the "party" was insignificant … I voted for who I felt was the best for the "job". I’ve been following you for a while now, and I believe you are the best qualified for this "job". I’ve never volunteered for any campaign as I have never felt "that strongly" about any one person … to date. I would be honored to work on your campaign. And, if I had to change my affiliation officially I would.
45386 Robert Maguire Please run in 2012 Ron! Your country needs you, WE NEED YOU!!!
45387 Name not displayed America needs you! No, the world needs you!
45388 Name not displayed
45389 Carol Friendly please take a pledge to cut the waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer funds. Go over the Federal Budget with a fine tooth comb and cut every drop of duplicate and outdated programs/bureaus/subsidies. Just that will reduce the budget by $100 billion or more. PLEASE!!!
45390 Tad
45391 Thomas J Harke Sr
45392 James Paul/Ventura 2012
45393 Name not displayed
45394 Blair Smith Your policies are what we need in this country. They are the answer to what so many activists have been fighting so hard for. If you win the republican primaries, you will have turned this lefty democrat into a republican. I will gladly switch parties to support your cause!
45395 John
45396 Geraldine Reinhardt
45397 john a marshall Please make history… Real history…
45398 Name not displayed
45399 Keith Siler You are the man Ron, keep fighting the good fight, we are here for you!
45400 Steven Krohn
45401 Kevin Seiler Mr. Paul is the best hope for our country, and the best hope at restoring all of our lost freedoms. We have given up to many freedoms so to elect some one else would mean death.
45402 Jacob McKee Future is looking bleak… we need you.
45403 Joshua Winthrop
45404 Mark
45405 Kent Forbes
45406 Matt Moore
45407 Name not displayed
45408 walter mcclure
45409 Stephen Stinnett Ron Paul is the only legitimate candidate for real fiscal conservatives. the other candidates are lairs or complete jokes.
45410 Name not displayed
45411 Heather Wheeler I never even thought about restering to vote,

Untill I herd you speak Dr. Paul! In 2008 I

regestered and I wrote you in on the ballot

aswell. You agin are america’s only chance,

We need you more now then ever and even

your critics see it now. Please run you already

have my vote!
45412 Nassor Ade Run Dr. Paul. Godbless you.
45413 Name not displayed
45414 Name not displayed I am from the UK, and personally you have a passion to make the US people smile. I know for a fact you will help the US, its economy, its people and most importantly its society as a whole. All I ask is that your run, and hey who cares if it may not go your way, at least Trump got what was coming to him. YOU WILL WAKE UP AMERICA!
45415 nathan wilson ron paul save our country and then lets save the world
45416 Angela Sullivan This Country needs real Change not a bunch of criminals being elected by the corporate media
45418 Kimberly Melle Please help us restore our constitutional rights.
45419 Devin Caglayan Please run in 2012. You are our best chance at avoiding further damage done by our own govt.
45420 Norma Sullivan
45421 James Humphrey
45422 Lucas J Broderick This is one of your military supporters, Mr Paul. Active duty Marine Corps Grunt, served a tour in Afghanistan in 2010. I’ve never seen a candidate run for public office that I 100% agreed with on every subject that he touched. Your ideas are more relevant now than in 2008, and it will inspire more people than before. You have a real shot at this election!
45423 Name not displayed
45424 Name not displayed
45425 Levi Metzger Please restore liberty!
45426 Bob Shutty
45427 mary ganssle If you’re anything like me, you’d really rather just stay home and eat chocolate bonbons, so I offer your my sincere gratitude for the sacrifice of so much of your time in the pursuit of a better America.
45428 Summer platt Run Ron Run! RP 2012
45429 Peter Schiffke
45430 Nian Shi Dr. Paul run and secure our liberty and freedom
45431 Lisa Farkass
45432 Lauren Morris I WILL VOTE FOR YOU!
45433 Sonja Hannington You are the only candidate who believes in the U.S. Constitution and who isn’t bought and paid for by special interests. Most importantly, you’re a Christian man with integrity and honor- a true statesman.
45434 Claudia Rodriguez-Larrain Ron Paul is the only mainstream politician in the globalized world (shameful) that advocates for monetary reform via an end to the Federal reserve’s artificial money creation. An unsustainable economy renders all social, environmental, and …human rights progress nill. How can any government or private citizen make any progress when they’re drowning in debt. The single largest fedeal expenditure is debt payments to the unnecessary national debt owed to private banks. Unlike the federal reserve in the US which is a private corporation, the Central Bank of Canada is legislated to lend virtually interest free loans to government. Look at this way, if "we" (the people of Canada) are the Bank of Canada’s shareholders, then why on earth would our central bank screw us in compound debt repayment interest (currently the burden for individual tax payers is 22 cents on the tax dollar)? Makes no sense, right? So why does the government of the day have a 591 billion dollar debt? They don’t borrow from the Central Bank anymore. Instead, they choose to borrow at high compound interest from private banks. This is mainly allowed to happen b/c banks are no longer required to hold any reserves of the money they artificially create (Thank Mulroney in ’91). The reserve rate in Canada is ZERO. If more people knew that their deposits and hard earned money weren’t backed up by anything tangible, they would withdraw, and then there would be bank runs, there would be revolutions! It’s blind trust that keeps these criminals in business.See more
45435 Travis Haight
45436 Randy Conner
45437 Luke Esslinger
45438 Yevgeniy Lukyanov
45439 David Hudson End The FED!
45440 Heather Kenagy I wrote Ron in at the last election, and I hope I don’t have to do that again. Get his name on the ballot!!! RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT!
45441 Tim Kenagy
45442 Jim Misiura
45443 Name not displayed "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

— Thomas Jefferson
45444 Erin Messing
45445 Name not displayed
45446 Rich You are our only hope! Everytime Ron takes to the podium, common sense and truth is exhumed. We need you as your president!!
45447 Name not displayed Run as a Libertarian. Please leave the Republican party. Most of your platform is agreeable. But in the end the only interests you serve are your own.
45448 Name not displayed If you were to run for presidency, I would vote for you and I know many people who would as well. After years of big government, we need someone like you who knows the limits of government.
45449 John Starley Run as an independent an leave the Republican Party. The only interests you serve are your own.
45450 Carrie Alexander No more ‘commies’ crooks & corruption!! GO RON PAUL!!!
45451 Name not displayed We need to end the corruption and restore civil liberties too the PEOPLE.
45452 Name not displayed I wish I was American so I could vote for Ron Paul.. best of luck!
45453 Max Spielvogel You are a genius.
45454 Name not displayed Go Ron!
45455 Marc Laplante The U.S. and the world needs this man. I have been following him since 2007 and I’m Canadian and I feel that if this man becomes president he would fix the U.S. economy, health care system, and would repair the broken image of the U.S. in the world. Good luck America!
45456 Clint Johns
45457 Name not displayed
45458 Name not displayed Ron Paul is the only man i think is worthy of my vote
45459 Tara Patrick Ron Paul is not only taking action against the corrupt government, but educating everyone along the way. We all need to educate ourselves if we want to make a difference. We must unite. Thank you Ron Paul!
45460 John Michael Lex Jr.
45462 Wayne The people demand you when the government machine fears you. Your a true patriot who understands the role of government and we the people need you.
45463 Neel Sahni Ron Paul 2012!
45464 Joey McDonough I’m 15 years old, and I believe in Ron Paul! Obama has done NOTHING for my family or really anybody in the South to help us! There’s been demolishing tornadoes and wildfires all over the South, and he refuses to help us or send aid! My father lost his job in 2008, and has been struggling so hard to help pay the bills. We’re in a depression, and Obama has done NOTHING to help it. I believe in you Ron Paul, please, for my family and I, please run for president in 2012. If Obama is re-elected, who knows where this country will be in his wake of FAILED government spending…
45465 Sean Morgan
45466 Name not displayed
45467 Name not displayed It’s time for a politician that is out to PRESERVE OUR FREEDOMS rather than SPEND OUR MONEY.

Ron Paul 2012!
45468 Alan Buzby R{EVOL}UTION 2012
45469 Ian Kose GO RON PAUL!
45470 Sean Villalobos
45471 Terry Lee Wiseman Jr Dr. Paul is my only choice
45472 Radge Harrison Expose Corruption WHEREVER you find it. 9/11 = INSIDE JOB. Stop the war. no more bailouts GO RP!
45473 Tyler M. Edwards Dr. Paul will always be an American hero. Whether he runs or wins presidency, his message will be left behind for generations.
45474 Name not displayed
45475 Mike parrish We need a good option, please run.
45476 Juan Diego Rodriguez We are with you 100% Dr. Paul.
45477 Amanda DeStefano Because I don’t believe in "Change we can believe in," anymore!
45478 Rudy Flamisch liberty in 2012
45479 Emily Bush You are the only elected representative serving in the Federal Government who gives me hope that the principles defined by the Founding Fathers are not entirely dead. It is an unfathomable burden to have placed on your shoulders, but our nation needs another George Washington immediately. We are spiraling out of control, and I truly believe that you are the only potential candidate who can rein us back in. As Americans and true patriots to the Constitution, we should do whatever we can to support you, so please let us know how we can help you win our fight to restore the freedom and liberty upon which our once great nation was nobly founded.
45480 Name not displayed Please run Mr. Paul!!!
45481 Name not displayed We have supported Ron Paul since the first time we heard what he stood for & his support for the Constitution.
45482 Name not displayed I promise to get you as many votes as i possibly can. Please… we need you.
45483 Andrew Daves
45484 richard frillman iii
45485 Jeremy G. Liggett Gulf War Veteran. 1990-1994 Marine Corp.
45486 Joshua Sullivan 2012! Liberty for All.
45487 Name not displayed
45488 Name not displayed Restore the Republic!
45489 Ryan Rawson
45490 corey lintner may common sense prevail!
45491 Name not displayed ron paul 2012, liberties
45492 Name not displayed You ,sir , are America’s hope to restore our basic freedoms so please run in 2012. Please consider a good military man as your running mate.
45493 Michael White
45494 Paul L Copes JR Love this man’s views.
45495 Nicolie Wenger
45496 Debbie Copes
45497 John Bonhof Finally who understads economics.
45498 Tammy Sheldon Mr Paul

Words cannot say how much this country needs one of our founding fathers in these time and I do believe that is what you are. I have been trying to get our area Tea-Party from day one on you push to Audit The Fed. I do feel that you really and truely are the only hope this country has of any chance to turn this mess around. And I know that is a lot to put on one man shoulders, But Mr Paul (Ron Paul) I say that in respect, and I would truly love to say Mr. President, President Ron Paul, President Paul. All these other will the same-o, same-o mess we have had for many years…. Our country and our children, yes, mainly our children and grandchildren it makes me sick what we are laying at their feet to deal with. You are the voice of us. Washington does not seem to be listening, yes, this last election we put in a few good ones but these are at the bottom of the totem pole. We need a man like you that has been the one who holds up the Constitution and not walks all over it or tries to change it to fit their ways…. I please urge you, Please do this for the people need you now then ever before. I have watched and listen to you for years and I have never seen any person in Washington CARE for this country and We The People more then you….. Even when they joke of you being Dr. NO them NO’s are you thinking of everyone of us and this Country and the Constitution, our rights, our Liberties and Most of all are Freedom…… I know this is a lot to ask but please, Sir give the We The People a chance to let our vocies be heard and help us to stand up and take back what was once a great country. I have seen in my mind a picture of the Statue of liberty setting down the hand which holds the torch is laying at her side, the torch touching the ground, the flame has gone out, the other hand she holds her head with that elbow on her knee, She is shaking her head no, and she is crying and her tears are running down her face to her gown and have made a small lake at her feet. And I can hear he saying What have we done. Please Mr Paul let that lady in that picture in my mind stand up proud again and holding that torch up high in that we can look back and truely say GOD BLESS AMERICA, We The People with the Great Help of a Great President got her back on track. ……. I to like Jesse Ventura but I am really afraid what the mainstream media will do. I thought of Ron son Rand and another one Michael Badnarik, Tom Woods, for Vice……. Ron Paul Run! Please Ron Paul Ron ! Give us I think the last chance to turn this mess around.
45499 Name not displayed America’s last chance, Ron Paul 2012.
45500 Brian Carlsen Ron Paul 2012!
45501 Joseph Franco Do I agree with 100% ,everything Mr. Paul says? No,but our country is in desperate need of a leader who is honest and willing to defend our constitution.My hope is to vote for the Paul- Cain team in the next Presidental election.
45502 Ryan Tyler Gower This make is our only hope for stopping the executive branch from exerting the unconstitutional powers it has been using. Limiting government is going to be the true change; not expanding it.
45503 Daniel George
45504 David Cieslinski PLEEEAAASSSEEEE
45505 Klay Andrew Bouray Ron, You are the nations solution. What we all need is somebody who can take the car out of drive and put it in reverse because the road we’re going down just keeps getting muddier and muddier… Please save us, Ron!!! You got my support!!
45506 Kenneth O’ Mahony Mr. Paul, you’re the only politician who i can believe in, America needs you!, you are our only hope, please don’t let us down by not running for president, RON PAUL 2012!!
45507 Stephen Patrick Webster Antistate, antiwar, promarket.
45508 Chad Witham
45509 Cathy B. Anderson
45510 Yehuda S. Dear Ron Paul, I am a 16 year old living in New York State. If you run for President in 2012, I will vote for you. I like your stances on the economy, personnel freedoms, and I like how you support my second favorite country of Israel. Please run.
45511 Name not displayed
45512 Zeshan Atiq
45513 Daniel Rice You can do it!
45514 Name not displayed
45515 Name not displayed Ron Paul - the Refounding Father. America is finally waking up.
45516 Aisha Heidt I would like to see nobody else but you for president. Your past actions support your ideals; I know you are the only one we as a country can trust and depend on.
45517 Name not displayed Thank you for speaking up to bring about real changes! We all ppreciate the work you are doing!
45518 Karen Criner
45519 Dennis Berlin
45520 Name not displayed
45521 Richard Block In the one corner, Ron Paul; in the other, Big Brother. Dr. Paul, we need you.
45522 Sharla Fossen
45523 Ryan Weber End the Fed!
45524 Arnold Kim
45525 jason
45526 Wallace Perez Let’s take the power back!
45527 Brandon james ¨He who knows best knows how little he knows¨
45528 Giulia Marra
45529 Nate Gilmore Rep. Paul I beleive that your opinions about American foriegn policy are spot on. It is morally wrong for America to interfere in the inner workings of other nations. I think that we often forget are bloody history. Close to a million men died in our civil war and we are worried about Libya. Very hypocritical. I am looking forward to seeing more debates and hope your campaign goes well. Thanks and God Bless
45530 Name not displayed Keep doing what your doing for the truth
45531 Name not displayed horray for liberty!
45532 Name not displayed We need you!
45533 Tabitha Zehner Ron Paul for 2012!
45534 Denise Tourigny
45535 Seth Rott We need you!!!!
45536 Name not displayed
45537 Meaghan Walsh Liberty is sexy!
45538 John
45539 Anthony M. Blake Constitution = government
45540 Philip Jones Dr. Paul, Please help us to reach out to all those who don’t yet believe in Liberty in all its forms, to help us open their ears and eyes, to imaging the possible.

"We have it in our power to begin the world over again."

-Thomas Paine
45541 Name not displayed Please help us! I don’t want us to be a third world country. Bring back our good paying jobs. Bring back common sense. Bring back this great United States of America!
45542 Kenley Popham
45543 Ryan Otteros It looks like you are this countrys last hope. Please run.
45544 Pejmaan Shamloo Give me Liberty or give me death.
45545 Alfredo Morejon
45546 Name not displayed
45547 Name not displayed
45548 Ronald Belcher Yeassss dude yeasss!
45549 Maki I can’t believe Republicans betrayed my libertarian heart and drafted/voted for HR3. If they want me to support their push for gun rights, they should support my desire to make whatever decisions I want regarding my body!
45550 Sean Miller
45551 Name not displayed
45552 Andy Berg Please save this Country
45553 R. David Graeber I have never been a supporter of a presidential candidate before. But I will do everything in my power to support you if you run!
45554 Christopher McDonald Your intuitive understanding of the principles of liberty and the TRUE patriotism you exhibit absolutely inspire me. We are truly in need of another revolution.
45555 Name not displayed
45556 Name not displayed
45557 max c dilley no more elites!
45558 Randol Bass I can’t imagine what will happen to our country if any of the people on the political scene besides yourself become the "leader of the free world", including our current President. I used to simply shake my head with wonder, watching the talking heads on television discuss Palin, Gingrich, Trump, Romney and the rest of the hapless crew that have come forth. We’re sunk if those just listed and host of others somehow rise to the top of the heap. Please consider putting yourself forth as a viable Presidential alternative for thinking Americans.
45559 george carrette the younth are also waking up=)
45560 Name not displayed i would vote for you above anyone else
45561 Steve Wamsley I have 5 kids & I fear for them& their future
45562 Name not displayed &<3
45563 Nicholas W. Houseman I support the U.S. Constitution and the belief that people can govern themselves. Go Ron!
45564 Scott Carroll I agree with %75 of what Ron Paul says. But I admire a politician who is consistent and dosen’t ‘flip-flop’ on issues to appease everyone. With Ron Paul, you know what you get.
45565 Donna D Hufford
45566 Russ Jones
45567 Gary Putz I beleive with all my heart and soul that Ron Paul is by far the Greatest American Patriot of my lifetime
45568 joe sanchez Ron Paul is in my opinion the only hope our county has. We americans have to much on our backs that we cant even teach the young ones to have a dream and become great one day. We are a bunch of individuals that can come back together as a nation under god.
45569 Name not displayed
45570 joe RON 2012
45571 jeff ryder
45572 David Douglas 104 years of progressive policies in both political parties has left the US economy constrained, the treasury depleted with trillions in debt, the dollar plummeting in value, our military acting as policeman for the UN Globalist, 10s of thousands of Americans in prison, our Liberties and freedom diminished, a Marxist wannabee in our White House and the American Dream and Exceptionalism in serious jeopardy. It is time to cut loose the power of our unbridled system; so we can unleash our greatness upon ourselves, our children and the world again. It is time for a leader like George Washington. It is time for a leader like Ron Paul!!! Ron Paul for President of the Unites States
45573 Ciaran Jackson
45574 Chris Ponder
45575 Jon Martin I am already proud to put on my uniform everyday. But I’m sure that if you were president I would be even more proud. Please run.
45576 Name not displayed
45577 Michael Ross Dr. Paul, please give this country hope by shutting down the military industrial complex and restoring sound money and bringing down the fed. You are truly the last hope in this roman empire.
45578 Fredrik Dietrichson From Sweden :)
45579 Name not displayed
45580 Dano Guerrieri
45581 william fox please run! america needs its freedom back!
45582 Name not displayed Please run, we need your help !
45583 Renee Baumgartner Thank you for continuing the fight for our liberties!
45584 Braden Keith You are the president we need!
45585 Reginald C. Knowlton
45586 t gaunce Let’s go doctor no
45587 Gord Downey You’re literally the only candidate we can trust to end foreign conflict once and for all. Back to neutrality and the American Spirit.
45588 Amy Proell Jesse Ventura all the way!!!
45589 Jake Mackenzie We need Jesse Ventura too..
45590 Marcia Kraut
45591 Name not displayed FREEEEEEDOM!!!!!!!!
45592 Chris We need you now more than ever. Please continue in the fight for liberty and run for president- you are the only politician who knows what liberty and unalienable rights are today. Please run.
45593 Dan Shofstahl we need someone with real principles in Washington.
45594 Name not displayed
45595 Brent Harding Please and thank you!
45596 mike
45597 David Stauffer "1913 wasn’t a very good year. 1913 gave us the income tax, the 16th amendment and the IRS." - Ron Paul
45598 David Demoise I’d suggest Jesse Ventura or Dennis Kucinich to be your running mate.
45599 Michael Langdon Please run Ron Paul! You are the only remotely reasonable Republican candidate in my lifetime so far! A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for reason and personal liberties (and not just the typical conservative ‘liberties’ that apply unless you’re gay, black, muslim, atheist, etc…). I’m a registered Independent and I have tended to vote Democrat in the past despite my belief in smaller government simply because voting Republican has typically meant voting for a white-male-supremacist-corporate puppet. Thank you so much for allowing me to stop voting democrat FINALLY!
45600 John Ziobrowski
45601 Evan Robinson America needs a President right now who is going to stand up for the Constitution. I want a President who isn’t going to be bossed around by mainstream politics. You have some great ideas, many people will listen! In fact, I think you are the only candidate who can save the Republican Party.
45602 Name not displayed
45603 Name not displayed I’m a registered libertarian but will switch to republican if you run
45604 Name not displayed please run for president and get the churches to start paying their share of the taxes to take the hedge off inflation
45605 Name not displayed
45606 Name not displayed For so long we have waited for a man like this to stand up for our individual rights! It is time to bring this country back to the way it used to be! Ron Paul 2012!
45607 Frank Salinas I was taught how to read at four years of age. Through much reading I learned about our constitution. I also learned how the government and the folks that are in office should work, but decide not to do what they’re supposed to do, out of greed and corruption. Having this knowledge, I have never voted for anyone my entire life. You sir are honest and know how things should be for everyone and I thank you for it. I am merely an artist but I’ll do what I can, when and if I can, to support you. In other words… You will have the first vote that I have ever given to anyone. Like you… many of us know that there is a problem in this country but, we also know what caused it and we know how to fix it. I don’t expect you to fix it all on your own, it’s going to be a lot of hard work on everyone’s part and that’s how it should be so that none of us ever forget what happened here and make our descendants have to go through what we are living today. We must remember our history and how we arrived here.
45608 Name not displayed come on man we need u!
45609 Name not displayed supporting sound money and personal libertys
45610 Kim Overall Your integrity, wisdom, common sense and tenacity with humility sets a wonderful timeless and true American example. May God and His Kingdom protect you and yours eternally for you are His messenger, a man of Good.
45611 Paul langford
45612 Patrick
45613 Phillip Sullins
45614 Chrissy
45616 Ken Shapero
45617 Paty Heaney
45618 Kesley Bryant
45619 Name not displayed After a person hears this man’s mission statement and the valutes that he holds dear and what he has and could really do for this country, I ask; how could you vote for anyone else?! RON PAUL 2012!
45620 Nadir
45621 Andrew Petrovics Your message needs to heard.
45622 Cindy Gourley I have always voted dem but I will vote for you. There are so many critical issues and America is in serious trouble along with our constitution. This administration is trying to ruin our great country. You are the only person that has a clear understanding of all the issues and is qualified to lead us out of this mess. We need you. America needs you. I fear you are our only hope. Be victorious, be safe and God bless.
45623 Name not displayed
45624 Kevin Hunter Save our LIBERTY!!! PLEASE!!!
45625 Brett Witcher
45626 Joshua Gurrera
45627 Mark Rivera We need you Ron!
45628 Jeff Dankanich He makes a lot of sense, more than anyone I have heard in a long time. Amazing you have my support and I wish you luck, for the good of us all.
45629 Andy Hollums I didn’t vote for you in 2008, but I hope I get a chance to atone for that mistake in 2012!
45630 Gary Hamilton
45631 Nathan Liberty demands it
45632 sophiea keo I am not a wealthy person nor do I come from a wealthy familly I have about 2000 dollars in a bank account and i believe in your word and your truth to the extent I would donate 1000 dollars, please sir do this country the service it deserves run, please
45633 Brandon Ramzel Please run again I am the father of three young kids and want them to enjoy the america that our forefathers created, you are the only one that will give them a chance. Thank you sir for your courage to speak the truth no matter how bad it may hurt, the truth is reality. America must prevail.
45634 Amy Arnold I’ll be casting my very first vote for you. Good luck!
45635 Anthony Larratt
45636 Andrew Brown Be the breath of fresh air we need. Please. Make America what we fought for, what it was once,and has always intended to be. Restore us.
45637 cody burke Sir, please bring your common sense to the office of the POTUS. You are the only candidate so far who understands the service in public service (I.e. your denial of federal pay, follow through on campaign promises, and tenacious representation of liberty).
45638 Name not displayed Thank you, sir!
45639 Robert A Mick
45640 Brad Percifull Please Dr Paul save this great country of our. Its falling apart at the seams and our countrymen have suffered long enought by our corrupt government.
45641 Brandi Threewitt
45642 Name not displayed
45643 Jesse Blume
45644 Chris Bradley
45645 Kyle Dellis Libertarian values are our best hope, and GREAT stance on ABORTION!!!
45646 Adrian Ron Paul is the best chance the American people have for there being a legitament president in office that will stand up to big business instead of being a puppet for them like Obama! If we the people don’t want our country to turn into the novel 1985 we should support Ron paul in every way possible, which I plan to do! Your the man Ron Paul, you have my vote!
45647 Brian Runne America needs him.
45648 jay distrito RUN PAUL RUN!!!!
45649 Kelly Mills
45650 James Cavanaugh
45651 john will Your outlook on drugs is brilliant.billions of dollars are leaving our country and are fueling vigilante drug empires! Why not keep the money in our homeland and actually create thousands of jobs for americans.In its current state we certainly could use it.the war on drugs is not a cheap war! this would drastically reduce crime, incarceration rates and gangs.of course there should be strict regulations in place similar to those of alcohol.I don’t condone the use of dugs but countless men died and fought in this very country for the belief of liberty freedom and justice for all.Our modern government seems to have forgotten this and many people are getting used to the "change"of slowly having our freedoms and rights stripped,regulated or skewed. Our founding fathers fought for this? America needs ron paul!
45652 Michael Pearson
45653 Rebecca Roth
45654 josh gist
45655 Matt Carlson I am tired of being short CHANGEd by politicians, Ron Paul is the full buck.
45656 Jerome Montoya I have never been into politics, however I am smart enough to know that this country needs a man like you as President…..You can count on my vote in 2012
45657 Name not displayed
45658 Michael Neves Please save this country
45659 Max Kassan Dr. Paul you are the only candidate willing to stick to your ideals and say "no" if the situation demands it. People are ready for real change in government, even from a republican president.
45660 William J. Ackerman Mr. Paul, you are the only candidate that seems to see the way things need to be in order for this country to be great and truly free. Please, run and bring about the change the country really needs, not the lies and "change" of the current administration.
45661 Patrick T. Smith Ron, you’re the only politician I know of who stands for what I believe in. Please save our great nation!
45662 Josh C. Great job in the debate!
45663 Josh Faruk Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who spends one hour surfing the net and viewing Ron Paul Debates/videos etc, and the debates/videos of ANY OTHER CANDIDATE, you will realize Dr. Ron Paul is the only one who has been consistent in his replies, has not lied once a bout any of his campaign promises while other candidates simply attribute their revolving ideas to "the times are-a different, ya’know". Just spend one hour informing yourself and it will be clear. The other candidates are not worried about the real issues and do not give answers which are tangible. This is a plea not only to Ron Paul to run for President, but to my fellow Americans to wake up and smell the coffee…
45664 Ken Kady praying for you to be of good courage and run the race for truth and liberty
45665 Name not displayed
45666 Joe Urick I have been depressed for years and you have been the ONE person that I agree with. I have been a victim of idiots and you are the TRUE prophecy to making sanity a reality. please! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!!!!!! RUN FOR PRESIDENT! Palin and Trump will ruin it for us ALL. I have never registered to vote but I will for you!!!! please run for president :)
45667 Moriah
45668 Brandon Mayfield We need Ron Paul
45669 Name not displayed We need you.

Fight on,

45670 Bradley Head Thank you for bringing logic to politics.
45671 darron forrest
45672 Jennie Rodriguez
45674 Jozsef Csanyi Ron Paul’s constant statements about the effects of the waning dollar and failing American economy are more obvious with every day. It’s time for REAL change.
45675 Matthew Strickland It’s politicians like you that give me some hope that liberty in it’s actual definition can still be saved. We need a president who isn’t hypocritical and who actually reads and understands the constitution (you know that dusty document everyone in government swears to protect but forgets about after they lower their right hand.)
45676 Name not displayed For as much Corruptions that is out there in our Government? It’s We the People that have allowed this to happen and We the People are the only ones who can change the problems here in America. When any person runs for President and wins, We the People just stop helping in the event to taking back our COUNTRY. All of us put all the pressure on one person, The Commander and Chief, The President! If We the People say we will do what ever we need to do to get Dr. Paul in as Commander and Chief, then we must also mean that we will continue to fight for the NEXT 4 years also or as long as it takes to get our Country back! Dr. Paul cannot run this country without our help! Congress, Senate and the body of Government must hear our DEMANDS and what is right for OUR COUNTRY and not for a couple of weeks or only UP TO Election day and then everyone goes silent until next Election? This is a demand for our COUNTRY! If Dr.Ron Paul is the best man for the job? Then We the People must NOT stop OUR DEMANDS after Election day! On the other hand, Jesse Ventura???? Seem like a man that would NOT take any CRAP or THREATS from old man BUSH’s CIA THUGS! Jesse Ventura would most likely knock around a few of those PROBLEM makers here in America.
45677 Name not displayed I’m rootin’ for ya, Ron!
45678 Dale Shane Smith
45679 Isabelle Bolla This will be the first election I will be able to vote in since I have finally come of legal voting age. Please run, we need someone who can look at the television screen and read from his heart and mind- not merely a scripted teleprompter.
45680 Andres Luna The United States needs REAL change and Mr. Paul will bring that!
45681 Isabelle Bolla I have never voted before in any election, due to being under the legal voting age; but I will give my vote to your, Mr. Paul. We need a leader who speaks from his mind and heart, not from a simulated teleprompter.
45682 Justin Dean Dr. Paul, you are our only hope in returning sanity to this nation, besides maybe Dennis Kucinich. As both liberalists, you should collaborate and he should be your running mate. He doesn’t seem to be having any luck riding the Democrats anyways. I have so much faith in you, and I always will. Good luck!
45683 Gabe McGraw History is defined by men like you, not these parasites. Knock em dead RON!!!
45684 Jan Sapper the presidential debate of 5th of may showed how good ron paul knows what he’s talking about and that he’s not there for bullshitting people.
45685 joshua ross Please run, not for you or I but for the people!
45686 Jeremy Batarseh Ron Paul: The force of the youth is ready for you!
45687 Jimmi Buskirk Listen, I do not have any faith at all in our government.. And, rarely find faith in anyone to help this country.. I do, however, have faith in you to show people that fear is no way to lead a country. I’ve never felt that my vote counted for anything.. I would gladly vote for you with my heart and my a faith that you would do what is right.
45688 David Powell GO RON PAUL! ?
45689 Hank Rich
45690 Shannon Howell The United States needs someone to stand up to the military industrial complex and return us to a non interventionist foreign policy. We need an open government without secrets. We need to audit and end the fed, then the war on drugs and personal liberty. These ideas of yours cross all party lines and represent the whole of America. Take the GOP nomination and democrats like myself will be on your side come election day!
45691 Larry Ron Paul We need a Great Leader Like you .You’ll get my Vote
45692 John Finn We are praying for you Ron. The support you have will have is going to be unstoppable. Once your message of Liberty gets out it will be embraced across America and the world sooner or later.

God bless you from your fans in Ireland.
45693 Janet Holmes RP’s latest book, Liberty Defined, is courageous and to the point. Run Ron Run
45694 Douglas N. Armstrong Go Ron go
45695 Anthony and Janelle Cooper I do not normally vote as I am generally convinced the government is corrupt. However if RP runs I would definitely vote for him.

A. Cooper
45696 Name not displayed
45697 rich fischer Maybe NOW is the time for someone like YOU to LEAD this country back to greatness!!
45698 Clifford D. Egbert I believe in what you believe in. Everything must make some kind of sense to me, and this government now makes absolutely no sense. You believe in doing the right things. Do the right thing………… run in 2012!
45699 Andrew Howard
45700 Name not displayed I voted for you in 2008 and I’m with you all the way in 2012!
45701 Karl K. Kuykendall
45702 Name not displayed
45703 Daniel Flores Make America the land of the free! We need you, Ron!
45704 Jackson McDonald
45705 Catherine Alicea
45706 George Beylerian I wanted to vote for you back in 2008, hopefully I will get the opportunity to get to in this next election. You really are one of the most honest, caring and selfless men I’ve ever seen. You have my vote, please do us right by what you say and you’ll be one of the best presidents of the United States of America. Thank you man.
45707 Jason College The freedom of this country, and it’s people is at stake. We need someone in office who not only knows the truth, but is willing to stand up for the people, instead of walking all over us and destroying this once great nation… There is so much more to say, but I’m sure you already know most, if not all of it… Ron Paul for President, 2012!
45708 Jon M. Heatherly Good luck and God speed.
45709 Name not displayed Few in history have run for the right reasons. Look to our first president. There was no running, and he did not want the office. He took it because the people demanded it. They needed a leader and not a talking head.
45710 gia nagy
45711 Cory Gilmore
45712 windy ledges we cannot survive another term of obama/bernanke
45714 DAMRON OCONNOR the only option for real change!!
45715 Rob Martinez US Trade-Deficit $850 Billion yearly. 24 Million unemployed and underemployed Americans, you do the math.
45716 Stephen R. Kennedy
45717 Brian Hawkins I hope Ron Paul kicks it into high gear and becomes the 2012 Republican presidential candidate on his way to replacing Obama. We need Ron Paul’s straight shooting, no holds barred, common sense approach to this Nation’s problems. Please run Ron Paul.
45718 Name not displayed Dr. Paul is the only "Republican" following the GOP platform. All the others are RINOs and worse War Mongers.
45719 Jamie Campbell ron > obama
45720 Dennis Galloway
45721 Tom Tirado
45722 Justin A. Morrison
45723 ryan herrick
45724 Andy Tiede For the sake of America, Dr. Paul needs to run and become president. Otherwise I fear this country is doomed. Listen to Dr. Paul’s views of sound money. Our fiat money system will only last so long. How about we implement a sustaining monetary policy rather than deteriorating.
45725 Meagan
45726 Donna R. Richardson
45727 Mitch Zientz We are in dire need of a rational, reasonable, and honest president who will lead this country in a direction that would have made our founding fathers proud
45728 Brandon Burhans-Iskra Ron Paul 2012!
45729 Name not displayed go for it
45730 Colin Carrington
45731 thomas A. Snively
45732 Brittany Carrington
45733 Lauren Gentry Paul is the first politician I’ve ever truly believed in. If he chooses to run, which I sincerely hope he does, I will be promoting him and helping his campaign in any way that I can from Jacksonville, FL.
45734 vydla
45735 Name not displayed The president of the United States needs a real president. One that does not dis own and go behind the citizens back. One that does not work with Big Pharma and Monsanto, along with other big name company’s. WE NEED YOU RON PAUL
45736 Name not displayed I am from the middle east and I am tired of the foreign interventions by the USA. We don’t hate USA, we love USA!! we just want them to stop bombing some our countries! Anyways, Ron Paul seems like a legit guy! I like his foreign policies already.
45737 Justin Kelley
45738 Alistair Moussa Good luck. You know what is right for the American people.
45739 James Driver Git - R- Done!
45740 Name not displayed We need you…
45741 Name not displayed
45742 Josh Gruver Please restore our rights and liberties.
45743 David Cunningham thank you for what you stand for and for wakeing up so many people.
45744 Brian Buchanan This country really needs you to run. Not necessarily to win, but when you run for president and debate the other candidates, people hear what you have to say and that plants the seeds for freedom and liberty to shine again.
45745 Tyler Usher You better win.
45746 Christina
45747 Chris Kimsey The only guy I would ever put my name on a petition for.
45748 Name not displayed
45749 Mikhael T. Markanson
45750 Name not displayed
45751 Name not displayed
45752 Steven Cornett You are America’s only option for a candidate. I don’t vote for Republicans or Democrats anymore, you are the exception!!
45753 James Erickson take the GOP to task! stick to the truth!
45754 Kolt Irons Go RP
45755 Name not displayed
45756 Name not displayed We need you Ron Paul!
45757 Rob I was extremely impressed with RP in the May 5th debate. Although I don’t agree with his platform totally, I agree with most of it, and I know that he will be the only candidate that will actually implement what he says once he’s in office. That, in and of itself, is refreshing and a good enough reason for me to vote for him! He is at the top of my list now.
45758 Name not displayed Your the only one who can save this country
45760 James Garrett I am a hardcore libertarian conservative I can’t find anything I don’t like about Ron Paul. His policies of closing down whole sections of government like homeland security and department of energy are right on target for cutting the size of government and the deficit.
45761 Kevin Topmiller
45762 Arturo Modesto
45763 Emily Elliston
45764 john c
45765 Name not displayed
45766 David Humphreys
45767 Name not displayed
45768 Becky Humphreys
45769 Paul Pounds Lets give America back to the people and away from the businesses.
45770 Corwin Daigle
45771 Kyle What an amazing candidate, I couldn’t imagine anyone else winning this election.
45772 Talon Lawrence This is my first time really following politics and although I have voted in the past, I’m finally beginning to understand what’s truly going on. You stand for everything that I believe in as an American citizen. Watching the Republican Presidential Debate the other night, I realized that your views match my own perfectly.
45773 Name not displayed
45774 Ben Zipf I believe in you, Ron Paul!
45775 Charles Kirk At the inauguration when he promises tp protect the Constitution so help me god, I will believe him.
45776 Name not displayed
45777 Robert I am college student who will graduate in about seven days. I support the future for America you inspire.
45778 Aram Matevosov Dear Ron Paul,

We ask you to be our President in order for us to execute our will through the government, which we want you to represent. Our government has been has been executing the will of corporations and not of its people. Please find strength and energy to run your campaign again.
45779 Name not displayed Please. Just, please.

45780 G.R.ASmundsson Dr. Ron Paul is the only option I can see out there. We need a honest man that does not comprimise the basic fundamentals of liberty
45781 Gerald S. Burchell If Ron Paul doesn’t run for President I will not vote!!! If Ron Paul does run for President I will promote him in my County and amongst my Friends inside and out side the Republican Party. I will do my best to help get him elected. Enough is Enough!!! We need Ron Paul for President, and our Republic needs Ron Paul to be President for its continued survival.
45782 Name not displayed The president does not have as much power as the American ppl think, so i want some one in there that is strong minded enough to pass his policies even if congress is against him.
45783 Name not displayed ”God be with you”
45784 Daniel Burns
45785 David Smith
45786 André Lamprecht Dear Ron Paul, I’m not American but your views on liberty resound around the world. I’m houlding my thumbs for you.
45787 Kathy Cargo
45788 Mary Hildebrandt Our first choice, our last hope!
45789 Alan R. Weiss Ron Paul, our next Founding Father. Liberty never runs.
45790 Vladislav Serebryanik Lets pave the way for the future, for once.
45791 Name not displayed We really don’t need you much, our sons and daughters desperately need you.
45792 Ruben Gonzalez Now is the time to take our country back!
45793 Jack Dickerson Personally, I don’t fully agree with all of your ideas. But the Most Important thing, in my opinion, that our government needs is more men of your character and integrity.
45794 Artur Villaça The world needs a honest and respectful person like you.In such terrible times,you give us hope that there will be a better future.

All the best from Brazil.
45795 Ron Bokleman
45796 Name not displayed "Current & future generations need you!"
45797 Liz We, the people, need you!
45798 Name not displayed
45799 Eric Sundstrom Remind the Republicans what they originally stood for!
45800 Victoria Madrid Please please please!!! Run for president!!!!!
45801 Name not displayed RON PAUL! President of the Free Republic of Texas!
45802 Name not displayed I want abortion and stem cell gone. And bring our troops home. Restore sound money. And make internet poker legal. etc.
45803 Larry White I do hope you run for President in 2012 Mr.Paul I will support you.

The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them.

The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die.

GEORGE WASHINGTON, address to the Continental Army before the battle of Long Island, Aug. 27, 1776
45804 Name not displayed Hopefully I won’t have to write you in on the Ak ballot this time. WRH
45805 Logan Bratton Ron Paul 2012!
45806 Patricia Johnson We need to stop the Fed and wall street. They are going to destroy this country and the constitution.
45807 Mazen alhindi Your what this country and the world needs at this time. God bless
45808 Keith Grgurich PLEASE RUN!!!! Call me crazy but I think you can WIN!!!
45809 Name not displayed
45810 Peter Johnson
45811 neal gentry
45812 David Watts
45813 Name not displayed Go Ron Paul!
45814 Justin Britt
45815 Johnny Ronca You are the man. The only real patriot. Please run with Jesse Ventura. It would be a great ticket!
45816 Adam Hall Ron Paul is the only hope this country has of turning around the collapse it is headed for.
45817 Name not displayed
45818 Name not displayed
45819 Name not displayed You have my vote and support. If you run I will contribute time and money to the cause. Just a suggestion, ask Judge Napalitono to be your running mate.
45820 Daniel Collien I feel that you are the best hope for this country, and I hope to see you on the ballots soon!
45821 Kevin Bell Please run you WILL win iam 18 years old and iam afraid of growing up in my own country. Please save us
45822 Radu Muntean I’m from Romania, and I support you Ron.
45823 Name not displayed
45824 Michael Hobart Stand up.
45825 brian
45826 Name not displayed
45827 Kenneth Green The country needs you, the world needs you.
45828 Name not displayed You have my vote whether you run or not. I sincerely hope you do except the challenge though. This country doesn’t need another lawyer. It needs a doctor.
45829 Name not displayed Liberty NOW
45830 branden belloni I won’t be persuaded to vote for a more electabl candidate this time around Ron Paul or bust 2012
45831 Amber Cameron You have my vote and at least 10 others that I know of off the top of my head regardless of what ticket you run under. Please run and make this country better a place to live.
45832 Jeffery R Whitehead Jr. You are the only true "Statesman" on capitol hill and we need you now more than ever; if our country is going to have any type of positive and hopeful future……….
45833 Bradley Peters RP 2012
45834 Chris
45836 David Yarbrough
45837 janna belloni
45838 Andreas Nagy Ron Paul is the only candidate that represents true freedom, the way the founders intended.
45839 James Bock Please continue the consistency and help America get back on track, you are the only person who understands what to be done about our corrupt sytems.
45840 Angel Ortiz I am here in support
45841 Kenneth Green Please, the Country and the World needs you.
45842 Patrick Tucker
45843 Name not displayed Good luck Dr Paul, 2012 is yours!
45844 Brian You are our only hope!!! Help us get our freedoms back and make this country great again!!
45845 Joy Smidt
45846 Sam Camerota
45847 Chad Brinkmann of las vegas Please run for president, Don’t run under the tea party ticket, they give you a bad name. Your better than that.
45848 Rick Tice We need a true conseritive. You have my vote
45849 Sam Schultz As the first presidential election I can vote in, I would be honored to vote for you.
45850 Name not displayed
45851 Name not displayed Thanks, keep up the good work!!
45852 Jeramy Kelley
45853 Bill Hoffmann I wish you would have been listened to years ago. You are our last chance!
45854 Nathan Buehler Thank you for your service Ron Paul. I wish you the very best in your 2012 run.
45855 Keifer Walsh It’s only a matter of time before common sense catches on within the voting public. We need Ron Paul to exemplify this.
45856 Chris Ruiz Dr. Paul can’t seem to pinpoint the cause of our freedom movement, but I don’t think it’s just that this is such a smarter young generation, but that we’re the internet generation. The internet has created so much transparency and we have instant access to information. At least we know much more about what’s going on within our borders, but I think we’ll soon start to see more of what’s going on overseas. The government can’t keep us in the dark nearly as much as before the birth of the internet. And they supposedly helped inventing it through DARPA research. Funny coincidence!
45857 Anthony Chambers
45858 Jordan Angeles Please run we need a president that can actually help our country for the better.
45859 Victor Christiansen
45860 William Croxton This country needs you Mr. Paul you sir are a leader not like the dummycrat Obama
45861 David
45862 Kindra Croxton Hope to see you as our Presidential leader in 2012
45863 Name not displayed
45864 Michael A. Crider Why are Americans paying interest on new money introduced into the economy ? Start printing our own money !
45865 Ryan Rodkey Break the Paradigm!!!!!!
45866 Paul Spurlock
45867 Arcadio De Los Santos Please help restore our nation and give us something to be proud of in the eyes of every sensible American and the world.
45868 Robert we need someone who is for the peopleand about the people i have the same idleas as you go get them in 2012
45869 Lucas Shubin
45870 Name not displayed America needs you!
45871 Fernando Manzano
45872 Jeremy
45873 Toby I would take a bullet for this man, because he is the president I’ve been waiting for.
45874 Rob Hunter You have my vote whether you run or not…good luck and Godspeed!!!
45875 Name not displayed prior military, currently working side by side with our troops ….it’s always good to hear that there is still hope for the people of America. It’s been tough having to deal with the way things have been. Like every comment posted, we do need a leader that can lead us in the right direction! God bless you and all your supporters! :)
45876 Lee Walters Go RON!!!
45877 Heidi Sopko
45878 Cassandra Serna WE NEED YOU! YOU GOT MY VOTE!
45879 Keith Pence Please run Mr. Paul - you are the only person I would ever vote for in 2012
45880 Jesse Sumner
45881 Michael S. Roussel
45882 Matthew
45883 Monica Jacobs
45884 Robert L Dunker Jr Ron Paul for 2012!
45885 Name not displayed Please run for president and win. The world needs you for peace, stability, and progress of mankind.
45886 Jamie Tine We cannot allow the apathy of others to justify our own. We must stop the bickering and finger pointing our current two-party system encourages, remove the wedge and unite America to save itself.
45887 Scott Bicknell Ron Paul - The only "Change" that will save America
45888 Erica V. Help us get our country back!
45889 Nicole Fazekas
45891 Bac cheng Huang
45892 Nick Sessler
45893 Robert Davison
45894 Kevin Smithwick
45895 Jenny Liang Please run. Thank you.
45896 ronald tolomeo
45897 Name not displayed
45898 Big Ern You have my vote.
45899 Tom Wright I voted for you in 2008 and will do it again in 2012
45900 Mike Howell Please sir, PLEASE
45901 Jose De La Rosa
45902 Name not displayed YOU GOT MY VOTE!
45903 cody richardson
45904 Scott Nelson I have a feeling you would be the smartest choice to help save our country from falling down the path of no return.
45905 Molly Henley
45906 Giovanni We need a leader that truly understands the economy. Getting rid of the FED will helps us stabilize growth, eliminate inflation, and end these vicious business cycles. Ron Paul 2012!
45907 Peter End the Fed.
45908 Name not displayed
45909 evan long let’s re-boot the system!
45910 Chris Meadows
45911 Kalup S.
45912 anthony what doctor paul represents is true american liberties. im a proub liberterian so some of my social issues differ but at the core i support more than 90% of ron pauls ideas with the country. lets get this great man elected and restore america the way that so called"conservitives" and left wingers have tried to kill with the patriot act, social health care to name a few. keep up the good work and you have my vote for2012!
45913 Matthew Hobbs Go Ron Go!
45914 Corey Torres
45915 Name not displayed Our path is untenable… "The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see."

— Ayn Rand
45916 Jered Morgan
45917 Bryan Feliccia come to Georgia Southern University and give a speech!!!
45918 Kord Carter
45919 michelle malone please run for president. we need a real and honest voice in the whitehouse
45920 Alden Lewis Ron Paul is the only hope we have for ANY kind of a future as a country.
45921 Ben Snuffer
45922 Michael Hilyard
45923 Name not displayed
45924 Name not displayed i will vote for you.
45925 Name not displayed
45927 John Barrios America needs a president like you!
45928 Aaron Richardson You are Americas last hope. Please save our country! For the sake of our children.
45929 Michael Kim
45930 Name not displayed We NEED Honesty in our Government, we do not have this. With Ron, WE WILL
45931 Name not displayed please Ron stay true to yourself and your words, what you are saying is the truth, however i would like to know if you would abolish lobbying? because thats a major source of corruption within our government
45932 Name not displayed I’m in medical school right now, and in the midst of all the uncertainty in every aspect of our country I think your concrete beliefs are a refreshing source of reliable insight.
45933 Name not displayed GO RON PAUL r
45934 Brandon Trean We need someone grounded in reason, common sense and integrity as you are.
45935 Steve Connors
45936 Donald Perryland Marijuana for my vote.. you my BOYY
45937 Matthew Kale You are my political hero. I have read some (working on the rest) of your books to better understand your positions. I am a true believer!
45938 Micah I don’t plan to vote unless you being the only option other than the complete fall of government
45939 Name not displayed
45940 Name not displayed I’m a mormon, BUT VOTE RON PAUL!
45941 Brian Cook Nice Job on The Debate the other Night! We need to end this ridiculous War on Drugs. What a waist of money! we could get rid of DEA all together and put that money into a law enforcement program that actually works for the citizens not against them.
45942 Julian It is time for the United States to get back on track!
45943 Name not displayed We need a true conservative in the white house, not a religous prude.
45944 Mike Williamson
45945 Name not displayed
45946 Chris Run for President. Make marijuana legal!! :)
45947 Name not displayed
45948 Andrew Day
45949 Derek Ellis "Me, We" -Muhammad Ali
45950 Joshua VW Ron Paul, you have honestly inspired me.

Please run for President. We need you.
45951 Andrew Hall Trust me Ron Paul, you’re our only hope.
45952 Steven Withrow He will have my vote. "Our last hope at preserving liberty."
45953 Zaac Dillon This is more important than anyone could possibly comprehend. This election will define my life/generation.
45954 Jessica T. Bull You have my full support!!!
45955 Caroline Chung
45956 Lisa
45957 Name not displayed GO RON PAUL!
45958 Chris Beyer Dr. Paul: You would revel in what I learned in 2008 just from watching you run for President. You changed the way I understand the world. Millions of people will be watching you over the next couple years, learning as I did. So please run Dr. Paul. Run for your life, run for your liberty, and find happiness.
45959 Name not displayed Dear Mr. Ron Paul,

I am a single woman, formally gainfully employed in San Diego California. I had worked for the Unions and when I finally spoke the truth to the leaders, my job was eliminated through no fault of my own. If the far far left, how illegally campaigned for Obama in ways you would NEVER believe continue to win, there will only be illegal immigrants left to run San Diego. You would never imagine the lies, pay to play, under the table you vote for me to City Council and I will vote any way the Union demands. Please, illegal’s and entitlements programs are so out of control, I am voting for you to please, help San Diego California now. California NEEDS you now!


45960 Paul Bryson Thank you for for being a voice of reason.
45961 adrian you voted no on everything i would vote no for. you have never said anything that contradicted yourself. you believe in the constitution.
45962 Name not displayed
45963 Ryan Montgomery "…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying it’s foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…."
45964 Name not displayed
45965 Hendrik Brouwer Go Ron Paul!
45966 michael medina please run we need liberty in this country and i believe you are the only person i see that can do that.
45967 Name not displayed
45968 Chris Martin Ron Paul stands for everything that America is supposed be. He truly wants to help the people and run this country as our constitution intends. I only wish he would stop being so nice with the way he puts the truth and start tearing these politicians apart. He is clearly smarter than the opposition, and Ron Paul…it’s time to kick some ass
45969 Jacob Avery Mosier Dear Congressman Paul,

You are the only man I trust to lead this country, because you are the only man who will trust all of us living in this country to lead ourselves. It has been a couple years now since I first heard one of your speeches online, and I will always remember it- it was the first time a speech by a living politician had sparked a flame in my breast and a tear in my eye.

God bless you, and may he bless the rest of us with your leadership.
45970 Name not displayed
45971 Michael C. Freid Best Wishes.
45972 Russell Davis We thank you for considering running again.We need a President whose convictions are strong
45973 Aaron Hardwick
45974 Name not displayed
45975 Name not displayed Little r republicanism all the way! Dr. Paul, let’s do it 2012!
45977 Mike Roper Some say your not electable…. Hello, you an elected official. We need you in the White House…
45978 james grissom our country needs you
45979 Daniel Courter
45980 Olivia Creston Dr Paul - the only man I can trust to uphold the constitution and protect our liberties!
45981 Dan Holloway we need you now more than ever( end the fed)
45982 Kenneth J. Bolin You are the most truthful and honest politician in America today. This nation needs a president that isn’t filtered through lies. Please Run!
45984 Terry e Mackey Lets do this
45985 Kimberly Kidd Please help! We need you Dr. Paul!
45986 Joseph Dale Nichols jr US Army soldiers for Ron Paul
45987 Matthew S. Bolduc Please help fight to promote self-reliance and stop the "Nanny" state our country is heading towards.
45988 James Squier You are our last savour,if you care about america, then you better run!
45989 Name not displayed
45990 Barry L. Dunn We need A leader not a panderer. Please bring my freedoms back. I fought for them and I want them back.
45991 Name not displayed
45992 Nathan Ritter Ron Paul has been the ONLY politician who has greatly impressed me with his views and his pull-no-punches, straight forward talk. I’m very excited to see him go for the presidency, and I know he has and will continue to serve this country in any and every way possible. Go, Ron Paul!
45993 Name not displayed Do it !!!!
45994 Randi
45995 Name not displayed Dear Ron Paul, If it is not you who faces obama in 2012, I will vote for obama. There is no other republican who will do anything different than obama…
45996 Name not displayed
45997 Robert Harrison
45998 Robin Burness Most importantly is that you increase your influence and presence in government - and therefore the sanity. You’re up there with the elite in real government, I know it’s lonely, but we need you! Thank you for doing what you do!!
45999 Taylor Hatfield
46000 stefanie utterback I am currently in the process of becoming a Ron Paul delegate for Oklahoma. Any Oklahoma residents who support Dr. Paul, should vote for me in order to vote for him.

33 Responses to Signatures 45,001-50,434

  1. Johnathon D Smith says:

    Help us remember what makes us great!

  2. David Weber says:

    Let’s do this! Our time is now!

  3. Jim G. says:

    Thank you in advance for once again answering the call of your countrymen and staying true to the principles of our Founding Fathers. I believe your are the right man at the right time to return the country back to it’s heirs.
    I salute you and “the Republic for which it stands…!”

  4. dylon says:

    i live in the uk so i cant vote, but ron is the guy for the job, he’s what the usa and the world needs ! :)

  5. Donald Noehre says:

    Continue to work to put gold as backing our money. I liked you in 08 and I will vote for you in 2012. Ron you are what this country needs at this time.

  6. Lisa Alvarado says:

    WE LOVE YOU RON PAUL! Finally we a have hero!

  7. Paul MAJORS says:

    Dr. Paul, I’m a supporter and believe in everything you say but how do I address people who have fears of losing social security and medicare?

  8. Gracyn says:

    I tohhgut finding this would be so arduous but it’s a breeze!

  9. Eric Cooper says:

    We need you to take out the Trash in Washington..

  10. Rao says:

    Persistence is the key. Unfortunately the media doesn’t like to give you the attention you deserve because they are more interested in the puppets that are linked to the media heads. With the puppets continuing to mess things up and you gaining more and more popularity you can make it one day or at least inspire others to follow in your footsteps. It’s time for a CHANGE!!!!

  11. Jonathan Le says:

    Now’s your chance Ron Paul.Lets make a big change for America and get rid of the Patriot Act,Bring the troops home,bring free trade,end the fed,fix the economy,make sure that all of the people are unemployed and they can be able to get jobs a lot easier.oh yea make sure that the money avoids inflation.This is our last chance for America.Ron Paul for President in 2012.

  12. Greg Brown says:

    Get us back on the Gold Standard! Get this once great counrty back to the Constitution.

  13. scott bisbee sr says:

    If Dr, Paul doesn’t win? Kiss your ass goodby,or work the rest of your life making the rich richer while you make min.wage Wake up people

  14. Alex Graham says:

    Ron Paul may very well be our last hope. He has got to win!

  15. Luis H Pires says:

    I’m a huge supporter of Dr. Paul, a student of the Austrian Economics and an advocate of the Libertarian movement!

  16. mike says:

    hope you can stand working under bush thay run this place N W O HATE THOSE GUYS RON GO GET SOME for us all thank you so mush mike

  17. Johnson 527 says:

    Ron Paul 2012!! rEVOLution!!! Make some noise America!!! Let’s bring him in!!!

  18. mike sass says:

    we need a goverment tht protects our rights, my group is how to do tht, please look at it

  19. Joseph Smith says:

    We need someone with COMMON SENSE like Ron Paul to be our President.

  20. Stephen Craig says:

    How could you not vote for someone who defends our Constitution so fearlessly. God bless Dr. Ron Paul, a true American Patriot.

  21. Roy Tyndall says:

    His time has come! Enough of the status quo! Time to get America fixed and back on track and be an honorable nation throughout the world!

  22. Eric Froebel says:

    I agree on all Ron’s issues !! He makes to much sense. Big business is scared of this guy. Good Luck Mr. Paul

  23. Kirsti says:

    Hope is a word with meaning again… not hollowed out by false promises. This is real, true, honest to goodness hope. I have hope that Ron Paul will be our next President for many years to come!

  24. Kris R says:

    I am 21 years old attending a highly liberal, Jesuit university in Seattle. In 2008 (my first opportunity to vote) I fully supported your candidacy. While I do not condone the one political party, excuse me I mean two political parties, I understand the logic behind running under one of the major two (those who run outside never win). I voted for Bob Barr when you lost the nomination in 2008, and will not be casting my vote for Republicans in the upcoming election (unless, of course, it is Ron Paul). You have an extensive knowledge of every issue you discuss, you are a gentleman during interviews and debates, you actually present your views rather than dodge questions and tell people what they want to hear. In essence, you are the opposite of most politicians; this is exactly why I support you. On a funny side note, my liberal, Democratic friends (of which there are many in Seattle, but also for my age demographic in general) hold similar views to your own, but are either too afraid or too closed-minded to even look and listen to you for themselves. It is quite sad, but I’ll work on exposing your words to them, rather than allowing them to be satisfied by second and third parties trying to “interpret” your words for you. The media more recently has taken notice of you, and I could not be happier. It is obvious that they are scared of you, which is why they try to humiliate you and manipulate videos (I’m referring to FOX and CNN here). Your voting record and political philosophy, as well as your daily words are inspiring. Might you consider speaking at my university, as I know this is something you are accustomed to doing. While this message will no doubt get lost in the mess of emails or support, I just wanted to thank you for being you and running again in 2012.

  25. Andrzej Sekula says:


  26. dolphin says:

    Why are you people not signed up on the FaceBook page for the “BLACK OUT MONEY BOMB” Yet?

    Wednesday, October 19 at 12:00am - October 20 at 12:00am

    The Ron Paul Money Bomb to Surpass all other Moneybombs!

    The media has ignored, blacked out, downplayed and outright lied about Ron Paul and we are sick of it!

    Let’s give the media something they cannot ignore, the largest one day online fundraiser in political history!!/event.php?eid=181997088537471

    Please Spread The Word Far and Wide.

    There is an option on the FaceBook page where you can select your individual friends on FaceBook to receive an invitation.

  27. Dave says:

    For a honest trustworthy man as the U.S. President!

  28. okaasia says:

    Nice blog right here! Additionally your web site lots up very fast! What host are you using? Can I get your affiliate link in your host? I wish my website loaded up as quickly as yours lol

  29. Daniel says:

    Ron, you have my support and i will be voting for you. Your only true candidate right now that believes in the constitution, no more wars, a stable economy, freedom and much more. You have had my vote since 2008 and you will have my vote now. Ron Paul 2012!!

  30. pat massari says:

    You are the one. We the people are behind you.

  31. Madeline says:

    Our country needs Ron Paul…GO RON PAUL!!!!!

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