Signatures 35,001-40,000

Number Name Comment
35001 Thomas Moore Do it!!!!!!!
35002 Hemang Tanna I am not American. But I firmly believe Ron Paul as American President would be good for the world.
35003 Name not displayed
35004 Aleksey Vozny(Khankhalaev) When you first ran, was the first time I voted for any government candidate. If you don’t run again in 2012 it may also be my last. Please give this country a chance and we will stand behind you.
35005 Ssu Jen Lu
35006 Lous Lambardi Ron is the best
35007 jason tyrone
35008 Name not displayed I voted for him before..because I will again
35009 Tom Hinkley
35010 Don Holland Cut big government!
35011 Albert R. Lopez Jr. Kauai, Hawaii "I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it."

Dwight D. Eisenhower
35012 Mark Farnsworth Do it for our Grand-Children!
35013 johnny flores we deserve you
35014 Marsha Brigante You are the answer to our country’s problems.
35015 Joseph Chmielewski III
35016 Name not displayed
35017 Gregory Paul Goodson True statesman.
35018 Matthew F. Ron Paul, please run for office in 2012. You seem like the only politician with brains and a good heart for the people.
35019 John Russell
35020 Name not displayed "America needs you! you have my vote"
35021 John Szoke
35022 Name not displayed
35023 J. Matthew Schofield
35024 larry kill the fed and end the wars,all of them
35025 Name not displayed Ron-Rand’ 12
35026 Gabe Doherty
35027 Steve Hensel
35028 Heather Cunningham
35029 Thisa Sizemore I voted for you in the CA primary 3 years ago and would vote for you again today!
35030 Doug Brownell
35031 cherrish coon we need our government to be honest, effecient and productive!!
35032 Name not displayed
35033 David E. Cromwell I support Ron Paul and his run for President of These United State in 2012
35034 Joseph W Rhoades RUN RON RUN!!! The media chose our Candidate in 08, not about to LET that happen again!
35035 Dallas Davis
35036 Joshua Favo America needs you!
35037 Eric Neal Gustafson You are one of the last uncorrupted voices of freedom left in this country’s leadership. Please continue to do so for as long as God keeps you here.
35038 Andrea Arrigo
35039 Name not displayed Please.
35040 Juan Marin Do not put up with statisim
35041 Garrett Beyler
35042 Margaret Marumoto I’ve been told you’re the "only one" who cares enough about the struggling masses to stand up to the powers that keep us oppressed. I don’t know how true that is, but want to find out.
35043 Lauren Crump
35044 bradley kelch i have served our country under two presidents, and neither have been willing to do what is needed. i feel you are the only one who will. third times the charm.
35045 Joshua Jones do it big!!!!!
35046 Stephen Preus
35047 Daniel Engle Dude… trust me. You got this.
35048 Andrew Talbott
35049 Name not displayed
35050 Daniel Kobe Ron Paul 2012!!!! Please save this country.
35051 Name not displayed
35052 Tony Caso You should have been President already. This just shows it’s not up to the people. The government controls everything including who becomes the President.
35053 Michael Deeter
35054 Roe We need to Restore our Republic!!! The Rhinos and Neocons are NOT the answer, only a Libertarian with strong Austrian Economics can do this job! Even if Ron does run as a Republican!
35055 Laura Beth Caso
35056 Name not displayed "We need you"
35057 Steve Our future depends on it.
35058 William Leavitt
35059 Carter Johnson Save the sons
35060 Name not displayed We need you Ron.
35061 Anthony valento
35062 William Davis
35063 Joseph Kucel
35064 Jessica Nelson My family and I need you Dr. Paul. Run for the next generation. Also, whatever your campaign needs help with here in Florida, I want to help! Please!!
35065 kirk jones
35066 Debi Chavez I have followed your work very carefully exspecially since Obama. I deeply regret that I did not vote the last time.I want to work for your campainge.Please run. I think you should have a t shirt that says ron paul 2012 we dont get fooled again
35067 william latorre
35068 julie boles Please help our country
35069 Heather Bartsch
35070 David Benoit
35071 fred schulz i have never voted but the way you want to cut spending i would vote for you
35072 Name not displayed
35073 Joe Murphy
35074 Name not displayed
35075 Name not displayed
35076 Dorene Levora The only trustworthy candidate!
35077 Marisol
35078 Kathy Singley Please help us save OUR America!!
35079 Randy Peralta Come On Ron!!! Lets show them how you do it!!!!!
35080 Name not displayed I have never voted before but if Ron runs ill surely register
35081 kamal timothy Dr. Ron Paul ,

Please go for it me and family and friends are with you.
35082 Christian Webb
35083 Keith .C Ron paul has too run, He’s the only one that knows what he’s talking about, watch the 2008 debates Ron Paul cleans house.
35084 John Gettys I want and need you to run. Thank you.
35085 Shawn Thomas Stark
35086 Leo Marino With a Jessie Ventura running mate would be very very cool.
35087 Name not displayed
35088 Elizabeth Ray Please run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
35089 Name not displayed
35090 Jason Padgett The revolution still needs it’s mentor. Run again or sponsor someone who is a versed speaker and as principled as yourself.
35091 Name not displayed
35092 Name not displayed
35093 Luckie McDonald RON PAUL 2012!!!!!
35094 Jesse T. "Give me liberty or give me death."
35095 Mike Reed
35096 Sandra Marcial Please run for president!
35097 Zachary Eliason &<3333
35098 Name not displayed Please help save the Republic. I would love to work for you if you ever become President of the United States.

I love this country. I am very concerned about our future. I do not want there to be a New World Order.
35099 Name not displayed
35100 Clay King Go RON!
35101 steven ferrer
35102 George Grant
35103 Nicklas Thorsen The world needs a champion of liberty and freedom - Danes for Ron Paul.
35104 HEINRICH im pretty liberal but Ron Paul is the only GOP canidate i would vote for.
35105 Cathy Menzel
35106 Name not displayed
35107 Addison Doyle
35108 Michael E. Badgett
35109 Emile Jobs Anything is possible! We believe in you & the truth you speak.
35110 Name not displayed Good Luck Ron, from your hometown, Pittsburgh.
35111 Jason We need an honest, true American
35112 Name not displayed
35113 Name not displayed I would be proud to vote for you for president. I have a son who serves in the US Army and I would be proud to ask my children to support your candidacy for predident in 2012. Our Country needs your strong leadership now.
35114 Ed T.
35115 Name not displayed
35116 Steven G. Poyzer
35117 Name not displayed Please run, I am a twenty something grad student that wants a job when I finish school. You are America’s best hope.
35118 Patrick Gannon Pweety pwweez
35119 eric mcdowell you can do it without the GOP!
35120 Jason Young
35121 Bryan Croger I’m fed up with the FED!!! Run Ron run!!!!!
35122 Adam Schatz
35123 Mark Wade
35124 Name not displayed Thank-you.
35125 Joe Parrillo Like Abe Lincoln, Ron must keep running for president until he sits in the Oval Office.
35126 c macpherson I’m in the UK but if you win Ron your influence will be global. You can’t pass up on that !
35127 Robert L. Rueden
35128 Name not displayed I am an Obama supporter but if you would have won the nomination last election or this upcoming election you will have my vote. You have the best ideas for the future of this country and I hope you get to see them through
35129 Martin Zellner I have never voted on a presidency in my life but if you run Sir i give you my vote.
35130 Stephanie Fister America needs you to inspire them!! You’re modesty and down to earth outlook are inspiring to me.
35131 Name not displayed Find Jessie Ventura and together go for the White House!PLEASE!!
35132 Sebastian Chmielnicki I’m not from US but I’ll do everything what I can to persuade those people in the USA that I know and some more on the Internet. GO RON! GO!
35133 Robbert Jacobs Do it for America, and for the world! Greetings from Belgium
35134 Debra Zellner
35135 Name not displayed Your views on the relationship between government and the governed are by far the most congruous with those embodied in the United States Constitution. The validity of your message over the past twenty years is coming to fruition. People cannot help but acknowledge your wisdom on public and foreign policy. You will have my full, unwaivering support and advocacy when you decide to run. Thank you for everything you have done.
35136 Bradley M. Weber Ron Paul is the only choice!!!
35137 Name not displayed
35138 Roy Epifano Run Ron Run
35139 Ron Henderson Not sure who I am voting for, But it will not be Obama.
35140 C Lahr I’m tired of hearing about "Change", Just get in there a kick some Ass with Ventura
35141 lock0068 Looking forward to what you can bring back to the American people!!!
35142 Steven Starr
35143 Kristian Amdal Get Amerika on track and the world will follow.
35144 Jay Windham
35145 Name not displayed Sir, You are an outstanding individual with an outstanding son representing the great state of Kentucky. Keep up the great work.
35146 Lori Brokaw
35147 Daniel Anderson Dr. Paul, I just want to tell you good luck if you do consider running in 2012. We’re all counting on you sir.
35148 Chris Jones You, sir, are the definition of a true Patriot!
35149 Justin Thomas We need real change! We need Ron Paul as president!
35150 Name not displayed Ron Paul is about the only guy thus far that makes any sense with regard to foreign policy and the economy of our country.. People really need to listen to him a bit more carefully. Perhaps if he wins, we might find some actual insight into what liberty really means.
35151 Chris Dowdle It is beyond time to punish the thieves of public trust.
35152 Name not displayed America needs you more than ever and I can only pray all Americans will take a stand to correct the corruption that is in our government.
35153 Kevin Druhan
35154 Mauricio Cascardo I’m not american, I don’t live or vote in US, but please, the hole world needs you as president of the United States!

All the good minds in Brazil are with you. Good luck!
35155 Name not displayed Come on Ron!
35156 Brian Hutch
35157 Kevin Wagner Every 4 years I think there is someone who really wants whats best for us and the next thing you know they roll over on what they said its just a ploy to get votes. I dont agree with dr paul on all his views but the major issues ill get get behind him on, for instance the constitution is not something that the government should be trying to get around it should be followed to the T . Also why is it that when the budget gets balanced public services are the first thing to be cut and all the while millions and billions are going overseas to war efforts and aid. If half of my income is going to be gobbled up in taxes at least keep the money in the United States to help our own people. Prowd to be an American ? Prowd of what , greed , my own government attacking the laws that are supposed to protect the people they supposedly represent , Foreign occupation and rebuilding of other countries when our roads, bridges and schools need so much. What a shame our country is in the shape its in wake up people
35158 Tyler Burns There is a time in the lives of men, where we must chose a Shepard, a visionary, a Leader of Leaders. To educate the masses and guide us during the fight against tyranny and oppression. Today we must stand and fight for the liberties of tomorrow.
35159 Michael Bean Please run Mr. Paul!
35160 Margot Martinez
35161 Mertz Gabor Do it for humanity , you might be our last hope against the globalists !
35162 Tom Newcomer I don’t care which party
35163 Name not displayed FREEDOM!
35164 Matthew Johns
35165 Ryan Metcalf
35166 Marco Save us from the tyrants in power!
35167 Montana Selby
35168 Nicholas Paro A registered republican with strong libertarian views please run for President in 2012 America needs you!
35169 Name not displayed Paul/Ventura 2012
35170 Name not displayed
35171 Paul Tish
35172 Kobe
35173 Jamey Bomkamp
35174 Jon Coffin I love your common sense attitude, and hope to God you become President. I am afraid this might be the last chance for America to be a free country. PLEASE seek the Presidency, I am behind you 100%…….
35175 Name not displayed
35176 Russell D. Henry Please run!!!
35177 Shelby Arena
35178 Ryan Schaffer Dr. Paul you offer a solid philosophy of how to govern. This is something we don’t see today as politicians seem to view each issue separately instead of a part of overarching principles. Please bring this type of leadership to the White House.
35179 Christopher Henke We need you Mr. Paul ! America needs you !
35180 Adam Benzing
35181 Daniel Elliott I would like Ron Paul to run for presidant. He is honest, knowledgeable of history and its effect on the present, being political, economical, and militarily. Most candidates do not speak with such a combination of knowledge and honesty. I want Ron Paul to run in 2012. Obama did not change anything and now it is time for Ron to Run again.!!!
35182 Ken Morgan
35183 Kris Noffke That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
35184 Theresa Wagner
35185 Brad Huskey Dr. Paul! This country needs your voice now more than ever!… REMEMBER… "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

Thomas Jefferson
35186 Ryan Radwan America needs Ron Paul
35187 Name not displayed hope Ron Paul wins
35188 Kevin Lohr
35189 bradley johnson Ron Paul is the champion of the constitution but he is much more than that. He is a HARD WORKIN AMERICAN LIKE THE REST OF US. He is the champion of the constitution as well as a savioy from tyranny
35190 Stephen J Wescott
35191 Name not displayed Please run!
35192 Name not displayed The only Hope for America, please help
35193 Roy Mather Please run…. we seriously need you and this country needs a wake-up call!

I dont care if anyone knows… you already have my vote!
35194 rob isbell It isn’t an option,..i think you know this,..I will support you,..I know the truth and I am 50 plus,.. so in particular for my children I will support you. Thank you Ron for your tireless work in this age of confusion. May god bless you and comfort you and your family throughout this endeavor
35195 Ryan Elfline please win
35196 Allan Nepomuceno Our voices need to be heard and I support you 1000% in deed, vocally, and by my pocketbook! Pls run, Ron!
35197 Tabitha Jennings 2012 and on!!
35198 Frank Johnette, Jr.
35199 Scotty Bowden For Liberty.
35200 Debbie Staggs
35201 Kurt Gladfelter Shut down our bases overseas especially Korea, Dump the Dept. of Education and cut spending!! Your the man for the job Dr. Paul
35202 Will Latta
35203 George Grandinetti
35204 Virginia Evans I believe you are the man to be President that can lead us to solve many of today’s problems.
35206 Steven E. Russell The sun is shining outside today, and there are no clouds in the sky. Mr. Paul please help us save our country.
35207 Name not displayed Ron, you can beat them all. If you run as an independent you will have a great cascade of votes and you will win the presidential race.

35208 Paul Schlimgen End the Fed
35209 Adam Shamblin
35210 Cameron Milnar I’m not happy with the current potential Republican candidates, please consider running!
35211 Name not displayed Please run as an independent! You’ll kick ass!!!
35212 Name not displayed "Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swaps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it’s yours."

— Ayn Rand (Atlas Shrugged)
35213 Michael Hare He’s the only hope!
35214 andrew nepomuceno please run! america is doomed with the central bank run political clowns we have in office now!!!!
35215 Cameron Arrowood I realize at this point the job has become nearly impossible, but we need you Dr. Paul. There are no other pragmatic politicians left in Washington.
35216 Allan Nepomuceno I support you 1000% in deed, vocally, and through my pocketbook. Run Ron run!
35217 James Schickley Ron Paul/Jesse Ventura 2012!!!
35218 laurie curry Ron Paul 2012

This Vote whether Republican or independent… count on us as we do you…
35219 Brandon English
35220 Name not displayed
35221 Name not displayed
35222 Connie Jo Daniele
35223 Chris Nease
35224 Richard A Daigle II
35225 James K Degener
35226 John Hallisey
35227 Dennis Ballenger We need you!!!!
35228 Name not displayed
35229 Terence Rais If you run you’ll have my total support! Rain or shine I’ll be out there with my google Ron Paul sign!
35230 Name not displayed
35231 Sean Arlt Never has the youth genenration of today had a leader that they respected and loved at the height of political power. Please be that leader and help restore the world in this time of crisis. The US students will follow you.
35232 Name not displayed
35233 Jose Escobedo Ron Paul! Ron Paul! Ron Paul!
35234 joseph matonti
35235 Ryan Baudoin We need someone like you in office! Good Luck!!
35236 deborah matonti
35237 Elizabeth Nerness
35238 Brian Connor While I do no share all of Ron Paul’s views I feel that his perspective on limited government and tax reform are perfectly dead on. The change I believed in during the 2008 elections have let me down, this is the change direction this country now needs.
35239 Daniel C. Simmons
35240 Fran Legenhausen I’ve been saying that the gov’t. has been bailing out the crooks and not the small people who are suffering since Obama was elected. I totally agree with Dr. Paul. Why are so many people so blind? Good luck.
35241 Joseph E Caprioglio With your vision there’s hope that America can start making sense again.
35242 Jordan Premonics I was never interested in politics. But two years ago I was forced to watch as my grandfather, a great hero to many people, slowly wasted away from leukemia. Because he wasn’t able to receive Medicinal Marijuana his pain could only be managed with extremely high doses of painkillers. It tore me apart to watch him suffer and if you can do anything to further the medical marijuana cause then you have the vote of me and every single person I know. Lets have a president who doesn’t laugh off marijuana like an ass.
35243 The Ringleader Do It for the People
35244 Name not displayed Cant imagine a better choice!
35245 Susan Beaudu
35246 Nels Blair I would buy RP08 gear if I could find it. I’m far more proud of RP08 (creator of C4L) than of Obama/Biden08 (creator of the countdown to destruction).
35247 Wade Floyd
35248 Tyler Grebetz Please get the tyrants out of office and get America back to the great country we once were.
35249 Robert Wilson Let’s elect someone who can get us back to our roots and the constitution.
35250 Name not displayed
35251 Elizabeth Cambron
35252 Jordan Saltmarsh America needs Ron Paul in 2012! Give those true patriots who love liberty and freedom as much as our Founding Fathers did the chance to make a difference with their vote!
35253 Name not displayed
35254 Tyler Maciaszek Paul ’12
35255 Luis Nieves Ron Paul is the president that this nation needs.
35256 Jose Gonzalez Liberty.Peace.Prosperity.
35257 Name not displayed
35258 Name not displayed Dear Sir. I strongly urge you to seek the Republican nomination for President in 2012, but not to run as a third party candidate if you cannot secure the Republican nomination. I will support your candidacy for the Republican nomination. America needs you. Thank You
35259 Jacquelyn R Buchanan
35260 Gene Wronko
35261 Michael Cordova be supporting you the whole way
35262 Connor Fanning
35263 Name not displayed
35264 michael kelley Dr. Paul we need someone like you in office, please run
35265 keith .C
35266 Cameron Daw
35267 Marek Wardeszkiewicz Bring fiscal responsibility back to the government.
35268 Joe anderson People voting for this petition has a responsibility to spread the word for Ron Paul 2012. People say hes Radical, I say this country needs a radical change.
35269 noon orsatti go ron
35270 Quin Hoxton This country needs a man like you now more than ever Dr. Paul. I know you can save it!
35271 Name not displayed I will happily support Ron Paul’s candidacy
35272 Daniel Normand Do it for Civil Liberties! Do it to protect our culture! Do it to WIN! Ron Paul President 2012
35273 Chris Sawvel Awe inspiring speeches, incredible realism &<3
35274 George Nguyen
35275 travis
35276 Dianna Powell-Reid
35277 Name not displayed RON PAUL WHOOO HOOOO!!!
35278 farah Kimball Very Pleased Ron Paul is running for President.
35279 Raymond Templeton We need you, and we need you now!
35280 Brandon Zanzig
35281 Greta Pierce Pleeeeeeeease run!!!!!! We have lost our way as Americans and need a REAL LEADER to show us how to get back to the Americans we were meant to be and are PROUD to be. Lead by example, stand up for us and we will stand by you…. Thank you and God Bless You and the USA
35282 Erik Johnson
35283 Richard Herrera you have my vote and will work hard to spread the news!
35284 James E. Teters
35285 Richard Ross Our last chance at restoring the Republic is Ron Paul, Period!
35286 juan sanchez i hope you run for precident ,

i love to hear you debate topics, in my family you have 7 votes we live in the bronx please run for precident thank you, a lot of spanish people are waking up we must defend the constitution .you are george washington you are at the front of the battle.thank you
35287 Name not displayed Ron-End the madness in Washington. I don’t trust a lot of people, but I trust you. I have kids and would like to see them have a future.
35288 Name not displayed
35289 Jack Rising
35290 Name not displayed
35291 Tim Higgins Please listen to our plea to run for the presidency of the United States in 2012,"Dr. Paul, never before have we ever needed someone like you so badly. Please help us!"

"heard alot of positive comments about Ron Paul from joe battalia, american advisor."

Tim Higgins
35292 shawn miller
35293 Victor Fulda
35294 Mariano Chiaramonte
35295 Name not displayed
35296 Dirk Lehning "As a true patriot, I should be ashamed to think that Adam in paradise was more favorably situated on the whole than the backwoodsman in this country" HDT
35297 Kevin Nelson Ron Paul 2012
35298 Name not displayed
35299 Keith Oravits
35300 George Chavez Ron Paul is the leader America has needed for years
35301 Emmanuel Acosta From the time I turned 18 I refused to vote for presidents but now Ron Paul is a possibility I will make my vote count this one time.
35302 Thomas W. Goodman
35303 Adam Griesbaum we, the people, need a voice.
35304 Kathleen Hall I have watched our own federal government destroy our great country, give away our tax dollars to Wall Street and the wealthy, and destroy the value of our currency. They have bankrupted America and destroyed the wealth of millions of Americans, with no end in sight and no change in direction. Please run for President. You are one of the few Patriots in Washington. Thank you.
35305 Name not displayed
35306 Dan Koziol
35307 Kevin Fortson Run, Run, Run!!!!!
35308 Ryan Harter Save us Ron!!!!!!
35309 embarrassed to call myself an American Save our country, make us feel proud to be an American
35310 Michael C Palmatier Jr
35311 buy nolvadex I think youve made some truly interesting points. Not too many people would actually think about this the way you just did. Im really
35312 Cody Gibbs
35313 Laura Burris
35314 Jerry Shubert
35315 Jennifer McNally
35316 Name not displayed
35318 Jason Petrov Ron Paul your country desperatly needs a savior to bring us out of this hole thats getting deeper and deeper we need solutions to our economic problems and we need to decriminalize marijuana on a federl level and stop overcrowding our prisons with non-violent offenders, please hear your countries call for help and run for 2012 me and my whole family will be behind you and will vote for you if decide to run, all the very best congressman, Jason Petrov
35319 adam sawyer "Save us ron paul kenobi… ur our only hope"
35320 Wendy Martinez
35321 Name not displayed I fully support a 2012 run for President!
35322 Jerry Martinez
35323 jesse mccann I love Ron Paul. He is so right on every issue. The only problem I have with him is that he stands by the constitution one hundred percent, but in the constitution it calls for separation of church and state. And Mr. Paul clearly does not separate the two.
35324 ryan marino
35325 Tyler Hildebran
35326 Name not displayed If you need any help from Illinois, I would be more than happy to help!
35327 Jody McDaniel
35328 Name not displayed
35329 Rebecca Phillips You’re our country’s only hope for change.
35330 Thomas Weaver
35331 Christopher Granneman I want you to run and win. Just go easy your first four years. I would like to see you in there all 8.
35332 Brady Stephens Ron Paul 2012 equals America saved i’ll work your campaign in Indiana
35333 Name not displayed
35334 David Money we neen a real man like Ron Paul in the white house! just so he can veto all the BS that go’s throuw there.
35335 Name not displayed
35336 Name not displayed Ron Paul 2012! The real change we need!!!
35337 Lubos Durdovic Your speech on CNN Anderson 360 was impressive. I wish you well. We need to change our out of touch government, future of our country, before we will become Roman Empire … in ruins
35338 Aaron Please run!!!!
35339 Jordan Togami I would love to see Jesse Ventura running with you.

I know you have the views to win and people will vote for you!! I will get your votes from everyone I know!!
35340 Name not displayed
35341 Jonathan Underwood
35342 Eric Scott "We need Ron Paul in 2012"
35343 Name not displayed We can not let the crazy bastards win anymore! Money does not come out of dept! In order to take care of ourselves your help is needed
35344 John Patrick Davis Ron Paul, you are our candidate. We chose you, you didn’t choose us. Remember that when you consider another presidential campaign.
35345 Mason Sick and tired of being sick and tired. I have a fever, and the only prescription, is more Ron Paul.
35346 Bradley Flood
35347 Christopher A. Slaughter Mr. Paul,

As a former member and combat veteran of the United States Army I feel that your views on foreign policy are right on. Never before has our military been so overstretched. Never before has the poor decision making of our government put so many of us in danger. It is a comforting thought to know that there are still folks like you out there trying to make a difference. God bless you sir, we need you now more than ever, you are the true leader this nation needs.
35349 Amanda M I liked you in 2008, and I still like you! You have my vote, Dr. Paul!
35350 Name not displayed Help
35351 David Rack Age of Aquarius= truth and reason.
35352 Nicholas Giambrone Help take the power back
35353 johnny angel Run Ron Paul, run…
35354 Jason Grajkowski You got my vote, please run and bring God back into this messed up society!!!
35355 Andrew Sean Donga
35356 Name not displayed
35357 Ken Mace
35358 Erick Anderson Watching some videos (2008 and a few new) and I think I could support you if you ran even though I tend to end up on the Democrat side of things.
35359 Name not displayed
35360 Name not displayed
35361 John Gala Dr. Paul, you have the most captivating messages and a gift at getting the point across. America needs someone like you who can actually be altruistic and gets things done.
35362 David Heekin Go Bless America!
35363 Christopher DePaoli
35364 Brad Carlson Your message has awakened me to the significance of our constitution and it’s power to turn America back into the country it needs to be to be prosperous and keep our position as the greatest nation on earth. You have my vote!!!
35365 Dave Tarrant, Jr.
35366 Rachael Montoya I want to see a true change in the way things are done in Washington, and I have faith that you can make those changes happen.
35367 Name not displayed Ron Paul you have to run so long have "we the people" been silenced of our voice muted by the greed of few that harms many. You have been given the chance to speak for us. You will listen, you have listened, We know because you know what we care about! Your message must continue.

To not run would be a mistake a go against what you believe In.
35368 F. Cyrus Sarmadi
35369 Kyle Konetzke PLEASE run for President! I think the time is PERFECT for you as a founder of the tea party movement, and fiscal responsibility being the main focus in politics today!
35370 Name not displayed We need Ron.
35371 Tawny Ron Paul Revolution!
35372 jason jolly VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
35373 andy richey do what you do
35374 David I am tired of Republocrats who have different faces but the same agenda. Give me RON PAUL.
35375 Name not displayed
35376 Jacob Anderson It’s easy to talk about how grand a place the future will be, but you are one of the few people who know how to get there!
35377 John Southard Please run again. You are changing the party just by showing up
35378 Name not displayed
35379 Andy C
35380 Dan Please Dr. Paul, try one more time… Give us a chance to have liberty in America.
35381 Johnny Clayton I am twenty years old, and I want you to know that you are the only man I trust to ensure a better future for myself and my future children.
35382 Kristen Morcheid
35383 Name not displayed I am currently in college and would like to pursue politics. I strongly agree with what you want to do about our current political topics, if you start the move towards these goals then I will finish it
35384 Tyler Stibrich
35385 brent waller an please talk jessie ventura into running as your vice president. i believe the 2 of you would win in a landslide. people are sick of washingtons bowing to the un policys an new world order goverment. its time to return the goverment to the people
35386 Matthew West GO PAUL!!!!
35387 Calvin Baxter
35388 Andrew Bellesfield
35389 Bobby Dr. Paul you educated so many people in 2008; please run if for no other reason than to lay the seeds for future generations.
35390 Zach Martinez Ron Paul is exactly the man we need to take hold of the reigns and run this government the right way. The way that a real president should in such a way that we the american people know we aren’t getting screwed and know that we have a leader that we can trust. RON PAUL 2012!!!!!!!
35391 John Bartelt I’m a flaming liberal, but only you would actually get us out of the business of waging wars for corporate profit everywhere on the planet.
35392 Randal Gardner You have me and my wife’s vote!! plz run for prez!!
35393 Richard Herrera I have never voted in my life but after doing some research and reading into your positions, i will vote for you in 2012. You are exactly what this country needs. Thank you for all you have done and God Bless you
35394 Zachary Carlson Ne3illl!!!!!
35396 James Howard
35397 Daniel Stoltz
35398 Carol Ponce
35399 Justin Wheeler Run Ron Run!
35400 John F Kennedy and Robert Kennedy Dear Ron,

Smash the C.I.A. into a thousand pieces and cast the pieces to the wind!
35401 Name not displayed You are the one who can save our world Ron Paul!
35402 Stephen Johnson
35403 Shaun McLeod
35404 Jason McLeod
35405 jonathan vergona Lets make the Truth movement mainstream!
35406 Terry Wheeler
35407 Name not displayed
35408 Name not displayed
35409 Name not displayed
35410 Alison Anderson
35411 Name not displayed I’m from Russia, but I hope that Ron Paul would run and I hope that Ron Paul would win.
35412 Name not displayed
35413 Patrick Price
35414 Delia Price America needs Ron Paul now more than ever
35415 vincent sabella RON PAUL ….or bust!
35416 Brian Ball Please run for president. You are the only politician who has the guts to say what needs to be said and to do what needs to be done.
35417 Daniel Aleman Dr. Paul, please run the 2012 presidency. We need you now more than ever. I feel like you would be the only candidate willing to stand up to the evil banking empires. Help us Ron Paul, you’re our only hope.
35418 David Siegel Ron Paul "Constitutionally Correct" for President 2012
35419 Espen Gunstensen It´s truly important that you run for the Presidential chair this time. As an outsider, I see that America is not acting on the will of the American people. Politics have become showbiz with more and more concepts to fight, and the rest of the world will pick up on it unless something is changed.

Best wishes from Norway!
35420 Ray DeFillips
35421 Thomas Wilson
35422 Name not displayed We need a true fiscal conservative to run for president and make our country right
35423 Jonathan P. Knight God help America
35424 randall reed
35425 Travis Ervin Time for some actual "change"

America needs you!!!!
35426 Elena K Campbell At the very least, Dr. Paul, you could educate another 10 million people by being on that debate stage with the others. And BTW, we love Rand!
35427 James Hogue
35428 Name not displayed
35429 Phillip E Molina,Jr Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.Why do people ignore the reasonings of the forefathers of our country?
35430 Name not displayed We need a real change!
35431 Nick DeFelice
35432 Seth Bass
35433 William Hicock
35434 Name not displayed Things are getting so worrisome in Washington that I’m beginning to lose sleep. Just the thought of Ron Paul for President gives me a glimmer of hope that our great nation can be turned back around before it is too late. I want my children to experience at least some of the freedoms that make life worth living.
35435 Audie M. Dragon,Sr. We need A honest conscious,hardworking civil servant for the people.
35436 Glenn Dufek
35437 Karen Kwiatkowski
35438 Jennie Your speech touch my heart
35439 Carlos M. Torres
35440 Leigh Smrcina
35441 Name not displayed Dr. Paul - Pleas run - We can do this- We must do this!
35442 Damien Walker I hope ron paul does run cause we need a REAL president at this time.
35443 Marty W. Barton
35444 deanna kube
35445 tim kube
35446 Jonathan Horne Had my vote last time and will have it again
35447 pat zubor
35448 tiffany zubor
35449 andrea davis
35450 Aub Horne
35451 Name not displayed
35452 Ryan Fersch Tu Ne Cede Malis
35453 Name not displayed The Last Hope For America
35454 Dominic Bennett America may be unsalvageable, but you’re more able than anyone.
35455 Name not displayed
35456 william lough
35458 Matthew Cooper
35459 Trevor I hate politics
35460 Sal Guadagna Thabk god you are available to run
35461 Name not displayed You are the only one in the field of potential candidates who will restore our republic.
35462 tom edmondson Make sure you can still run for Congress inm Texas at the sametime!
35463 Lisa Ruby
35464 Michelle White We all need the change you can give us!!
35465 mike loeffler
35466 Kristin Loving Would love to see Ron run for President! We need some liberty back in America!!
35467 Name not displayed It’s definitely time for change…
35468 sheas rebellion stop stealing our money
35469 Name not displayed
35470 Name not displayed
35471 Colin Lemr
35472 Daniel Zegibe Please demonstrate to today’s politicians that the American people are perfectly capable of getting along without them and the police state they’ve created.
35473 Jordan van Biljon
35474 charles j cook Please run Dr. Paul. We the people need you.
35475 Name not displayed
35476 Name not displayed If there was ever a time, this is it.
35477 Jason salvino
35478 Name not displayed Bring us TRUTH in 2012 Dr. Paul!
35479 Michael Watson
35480 Thor Preston-Esler Run Ron Run!!!

Hopefully under Independent!!!
35481 william nix Ron Paul 2012!
35482 Ingrid Kunze I admire your courage. I hope America wakes up!
35483 sean cuzzart
35484 Kyle Quilliam
35485 Ed LaBrosse please run as a independent not a republican
35486 Daniel G. Ostlund If you run, you will win. We need you Ron. Audit the Fed.
35487 Tom McClintock Save this country
35488 Scott Kuehne I supported you in your last run and am still confident you are the right man for the job.
35489 William Winters Ron, you are the right man for the job. I know Washington keeps going through the emotions and people there with the right ideas lose hope. But people listen to you and want to see positive change. Please run in 2012, you have my vote.
35490 Neil Vyas You are the light in this time of darkness
35491 Betsy Pisano I will do anything to help in your campaign….PLEASE run, we NEED a REAL change :)
35492 Krist D
35493 amy martineau
35494 Name not displayed
35495 Name not displayed Please run!
35496 mike bihn
35497 Name not displayed
35498 Brent and Jackie Galloway We will do everything we can here in Sugar Land, TX to spread the truth and your name :]
35499 Leo Wright Ron, don’t give up on us we’ll get you elected.
35500 DJ Jenkins
35501 Chris Collbran
35502 Name not displayed Good Luck, We need a good man.
35503 Dennis Skinner Youll get my vote
35504 Layla I am 30 and now understand the truth! I will quote Bob Dylan, "All the truth in the world adds up to one big LIE" This country NEEDS RON PAUL!!!!!!! Please Run and Be Safe!! Much Love!!
35506 Jonathan Harbour P.S. I believe this country needs strong libertarian principles to lead the way to prosperity and neither the Democrats or Republicans have stood up to challenge the way this country runs. We need someone, like yourself, who has shown good judgement in what needs to transpire. I would also like to say I love the idea of the FairTax and the abolotion of the current tax code. I know in the past I have heard such a statement from you as well. I believe that it can bee seen already how the tax code is brandished as a weapon, and yet even with the vast documentation there still exists so many loopholes that it is shown to be an erroneous way to collect the tax revenues for our republic.
35507 karen goode
35508 james goode
35509 edna goode
35510 Paul Bender Ron is the only one with the guts to acknowledge the "elephant in the room" when it comes to our out-of-control deficit: getting control our our war spending.
35511 Dean Josey ROOOON PAAAAUUUL!!!
35512 Matthew Hourigan
35513 Name not displayed BEAT OBAMA!
35514 Josh Kocemba
35515 Eduard Tieseler About the only man that can run this country. Truly founding father material.
35516 Jonny Abbotoy There is still hope for America, please run for president in 2012. You have my support.
35517 Adam Box
35518 Dylan Tarter Ron Paul 2012
35519 Don Landies
35520 kris young He will win 2021
35521 Name not displayed
35522 Name not displayed Dr. Paul you are the last hope that we have. If you don’t run we don’t have a country anymore. People are waking up finally…and doing it in masses. I think most finally see there is no difference between the two sides. And it is obvious that they don’t work for the people anymore. You got your message out in 2008 and it resonated with many…I think the time for that message has finally come though. I think Americans are finally ready to listen to what you have been saying through the years.
35523 Ian Robertson I wrote your name in the last election and hope you run again this time. You have my full support. Thank you for your honest concern over this country.
35524 Name not displayed You have to do it Ron, let the revolution commence!
35525 wayne mcclain You can do it with our vote…
35526 William C Venable
35527 Nicholas Bennett
35528 michael duck
35529 Name not displayed
35530 Name not displayed
35531 Jared Reaves Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
35532 Bill M.
35533 Paul Driscoll
35534 Alfonso Basulto
35535 Name not displayed i want ron paul and jesse ventura to run, and stop what is happening in this country and impeach every1 that has caused treason in this country- Bring back what america really stands for and what our forefathers did for us…"Freedom""
35536 John Griffith
35537 Name not displayed Viva la rEVOLution!
35538 ross romero
35539 Derek Zellner
35540 Joseph Cummings Ron you can do so much for this country. I would gladly team up with you to bring this government back to the people of this nation.
35541 Name not displayed
35542 Mary Strammiello God willing the White House will have sound judgement again!
35543 Carlos Ramirez I as a Mexican - Citizen of these United States - am pulling for you all the way, sir. This country needs someone who is smart and loyal.

When it comes down to it, you make the most sense.
35544 Name not displayed Converted Obama supporter
35545 JustinBeersong Hey - I am certainly glad to find this. cool job!
35546 Name not displayed
35547 Adrian Chevreuil Please help save us!
35548 Dawni L. Lunzmann We NEED Ron Paul in office!
35549 Name not displayed
35550 Name not displayed
35551 Jaren Friend Time for real "change we can believe in".
35552 Evie Harris Ron Paul voted No on issue 666, next campaign slogan :)
35553 alexander troy ill vote for you either way, but you really should go independant.
35554 John Nguyen
35555 Christine
35556 brian cooper Please bring our nation back to us.
35557 Name not displayed It’s obvious that neither democrats nor republicans can fix the state that this country is in. Therefore we need you, Dr. Paul, to show us your constitutionalist, libertarian beliefs and get us back to the way our founding fathers wanted us to prosper!
35558 Mehfoos Yacoob You’re the best republican candidate!!!! For AMERICA!
35559 todd christensen
35560 Jason Houle
35561 Piotr M Go Ron Paul! We are with you!
35562 adam mazzarella
35563 artur topolszki run mr paul run!
35564 Kevin E. McCall Dr. Paul, Our country needs you in the Oval Office. I look foward to you being our next President. Sincerely, Kevin McCall
35565 Name not displayed
35566 Chris Roach
35567 Name not displayed If you are not free to choose wrongly and irresponsibly, you are not free at all. – Jacob Hornberger (1995)
35568 Lisa Bailey We’ll help campaign in Las Vegas!!!
35569 Name not displayed Ron, give the moderates a candidate too. You can win!!
35570 Name not displayed
35571 william o we need real change in this country. people need to wake up and take our country back
35572 Vince
35573 Cole Rickerson End the FED!!
35574 Robert Edwards
35575 Harrison Reesor Please, Ron, run in 2012!
35576 Name not displayed Dr. Paul, you alone have the views and commitment to help bring this country back to its roots and help unite government and bring back a true two party system. You have the honor and respect of your fellow politicians across all political beliefs as well as the respect and support of those that follow you. You have the chance here to do something great. I hope you feel the same and you take advantage of this opportunity.
35577 Name not displayed
35578 Nathan Zander It seems Dr. Paul is the only voice for personal freedom, you have my support. I only wish I wasn’t 2 years late to the party.
35579 Spencer Oller I &<3 Ron Paul
35580 Name not displayed Just watched your debate in 2008 about 9-11. I couldn’t agree more. I would love love love to see what you have in store for us.
35581 Name not displayed
35582 Kim Simpson I would love to see you run as an independent with Jesse Ventura, we need REAL change!
35583 Chris Whetzel Ron Paul 2012!!!
35584 Name not displayed
35585 Liz McMullen
35586 Heather I don’t care which party you have associate with in order to run, just do it for our country!
35587 Chad Bull
35588 Luke Kwiat
35589 Andrew burkstrand
35590 Name not displayed Please run so we can elect the right person for the job and not get stuck with just the lesser of the idiots like last election!!!
35591 mark sharak
35592 Joe Sulkowski
35593 Stephen Herrington We need you!!!
35594 Ryan Coleman Save America. End the fed.
35595 Matthew Quinlan
35596 Rosemarie Sabella
35597 Brian Our country needs you Ron!!! We need you! You have my vote!!!!!!!
35598 Tari Vote for Ron, get Obama out of there! PLEASE
35599 Jon Shrout Constitutionalists are the only hope this country has. You and those like you are truly American patriots.
35600 Brigid The only true patriot. We need to you!
35601 Name not displayed
35602 Name not displayed If I had one wish for America, it is to live up to the Constitution, defeat corruption, and let Liberty shine throughout. Ron Paul shares that vidion as I do.
35603 Name not displayed
35604 Aleksandar Cuskov
35605 Name not displayed
35606 Name not displayed
35607 Christopher P I would love to see Ron Paul on the ballot. It would make all the work I have done to support him was not wasted.
35608 Andrew
35609 stephen bozzelli RON PAUL 2012!!!
35610 Name not displayed Lets do something right America! Paul 2012
35611 Cody Franklin You can do it, Ron.
35612 Name not displayed
35613 Name not displayed
35614 Jason Shiroda
35615 Name not displayed GOD BLESS YOU!
35616 Name not displayed
35617 Mr. Stevens Ron Paul, don’t give up on us. Give the American people another chance to fix our mistake in not electing you president. I am one of those people who knew little about you during the elections but over time I have come to see that you are a true patriot, and fighter for American justice. Go get them….
35618 Dan Lets turn this country around
35619 Name not displayed
35620 Joshua Kaldenbach I am canadian, but I fully support Ron Paul for president. Cheers !
35621 Cambra Walker PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE run in 2012!!!! We need someone to stand up for the people!!!!!
35622 Canon John
35623 Liz Regan
35624 Greg Przytulski America desperately needs Ron Paul.
35625 Jack Clark You’re an inspiration to us all. A Ron Paul Presidency would be a dream come true. Thank you for giving me hope!
35626 Per-A. Drevvatne
35627 Kevin Cook
35628 Nathan Nissen Hope you are able to implement your views, the white house seems to change people.
35629 stacy tao
35630 Eric we need you!
35631 Name not displayed It’s time to get some work done Mr. Paul.
35633 Loren We believe in you Ron!!
35634 alina
35635 christina
35636 Richard
35637 Name not displayed Do it!
35638 Anthony Roth We need your leadership Dr. Paul!!!
35639 john bauer You’ve got my vote ron, and I am telling all my friends about you. We HAVE to get you in there.

- John Bauer
35640 Jenny Havlik We need you in 2012.
35641 Steven S Washington needs some sanity!!
35642 Eric J. Gormanson A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for all those values that make this country great! Ron Paul 2012!! On Liberty!
35643 Poornima Wagh Mr. Paul:

I seriously urge you to run for the presidency in 2012. You are the ONLY candidate I know that has integrity.
35644 Daniel Dabbs The entertainment industry base of this country will vote Snookie for president. The people fall on both sides of the political aisle. Any hope for this country depends upon people waking up from there daydream of "freedom is easy and life shouldn’t be hard". Your message is so valuable to this nation of "rock star idols", to pull them back to what makes this country great and the envy of the world. Thank you Mr. Paul for the valuable insite you provide. RON PAUL 2012!!! "Liberty you can believe in!!"
35645 Elijah Hatcher Voting For You Mr. Paul!
35646 Holly Tallon
35647 mike mellin
35648 Name not displayed Please run and stop the empire, Social Security at least pays for itself. Cut corporate welfare and the con of moving high earner income at corporations to capital gains. They don’t risk a thing, the stockholders do.
35649 Julie Ron Paul Revolution!
35650 Sam Proschansky You are the only hope for America’s future! Please bring our troops home and strip the Federal Reserve of their ability to exploit and bankrupt the lower and middle classes.
35651 Brandon S. Allen Me being in the military i would not have any reason not to want the best leader.
35652 Patricia Benedict My whole family absolutely loves you Ron Paul! I’m from a big family too!!! Please run for the 2012 presidency. I notice your not on News/max polls and probably others, they are running scared! Don’t let this deter you, your numbers don’t lie and for them to try and bring your numbers down? It’s all a lie! You shine more than you could possibly know! W/ Love, Patricia Benedict
35653 ruben corona END THE FED!!!!!
35654 brandon neary
35655 Charles C Ahrens I became a Libertarian after reading Ron’s book.
35656 Arthur Eiss Ron Paul, you have revolutionized my understanding of economics and politics. Thank you.
35657 Sam Brush America needs someone like you. Please run, Ron Paul!
35658 Justin Leblanc
35659 Chris Garner
35660 Gerard Murphy
35661 Jonathan Ingalls please run for president!
35662 Erik
35663 LeAnn Coker
35664 scott
35665 LF Please run & give the American voters another chance to make the right choice this time and make you our President.
35666 Anthony Houser Seriously, you have to. Your the only person I;ll vote for
35667 Lauren
35668 Larry Washom Cut war spending, not ssi, if you focus on ssi and ssd instead of the megolithic military industrial complex, i do not support you.
35669 Tom Lindley Can’t wait for the debates!
35670 Steven Failla i know you will run because it is your right as an American ..and you don’t want your family to grow up slaves to a banking cartel ….i know, because i don’t want my family to be slaves to them either ..END THE FED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT
35671 john RON PAUL/JESSE VENTURA 2012
35672 Dante LoScalzo
35673 Justin Wydra Please run, we need a leader like you now more than ever!
35674 joseph novakovich jr
35675 Name not displayed
35676 emily ron paul 2012!!!
35677 Angelo Laskaris
35678 Eryk COllings You got my vote!
35679 Name not displayed Legalize it.
35680 Sybil Lane
35681 Aaron Fillmore Lets take our country back!
35682 Jason Pagan You’ve inspired me and given me hope. Thank you Mr. Paul.
35683 Name not displayed
35684 Name not displayed With God’s help please save our country
35685 Ryan Focht My generation needs you.. Im 19 and i see the government as one big mafia Ron Paul sir you have what it takes..
35686 Brandon Merriman I thought I was a liberal, but your opinions on strict constitutional interpretation have proved me otherwise.
35687 Kyle Hanson
35688 Gabe hileski Ron Paul 2012
35689 Name not displayed It’s now or never for this country. Ron will run for President. He is a true patriot!
35690 Joe Dunkle
35691 Elizabeth Goldsberry
35692 Name not displayed You have my vote!
35693 Name not displayed
35695 Nicole Piotrowski
35696 Name not displayed For the sake of this once great country.
35697 LoriAnne Just like the 08 election we need Ron Paul to bring real issues to the forefront of debates. Voted for him in 08 and writing his name in if he chooses not to run in 2012. Clearly the best candidate is Dr Paul.
35698 Name not displayed I believe you are the only non-corrupt candidate. End the Fed!
35699 shawn daigle
35700 Daren Ferreira Please PLEASE help save our country.
35701 Billy D Yoder You’ve got the support of the people!!!
35702 A. Cerruto Please run our country needs you.
35703 Dale R. Terry RUN RON RUN1
35704 Dane Thomas Please Save Our Country! End the Fed..
35705 Name not displayed
35706 Nathan Appel We need you! The Deficit is out of control!
35707 Name not displayed Ret. SF guy and I can think of no other in politics that I would have been prouder to serve under. You to do more than run Win!!!!
35708 Andrew Otero
35709 Austin Fleming
35710 Mike Hanz For The People!
35711 Mark O’Keefe Save this Country before it is too late.
35712 Name not displayed This man needs to be in charge of this country.
35713 J. Levesque
35714 Anthony Roche
35715 Matthew Thomas
35716 Brandon I voted for Barack Obama in 2008. I presently believe Ron Paul is the only potential candidate who would steal my vote from the democratic party.
35717 Boris Sauris "We gotta take the power back.."
35718 Name not displayed
35719 Ralph Dawson Ron Paul represents freedom and sound money I must agree
35720 Peter Thoenen I voted for you in 2008 and would do it again. Now is the best chance libertarians and fiscal conservatives have had in near thirty years.
35721 Justin James Thomson This is just the prelude of liberty’s flight back home. God bless America. God bless Ron Paul.
35722 Erich Mussak, MD End the Fed. Hog-tie the banksters!
35723 William Baker
35724 Name not displayed Please help us take our country back.

For your grandchildren?
35725 Josef Myers This dude is the man!!! Let’s make magic.
35726 moses porter run ron run!
35727 Wade Hobbs Carpe Diem!
35728 Jacob Ludwig I really want this man to be are President! I would love to vote for him in my first election ballet.
35729 Joel Fagan The Truth will set us all free! Audit the FED, Repeal the patriot act, bring American technological industries back to Our Nation. Freedom of expression lower taxes root out bad government……..
35730 Alan Stubbs Constitutional Government,Amen!!!
35731 Timothy Barton As a veteran of the current war in Iraq, I can sincerely say that this country needs Ron Paul. Our involvement in the affairs of other countries has endured far too long.
35732 Abraham Ortiz With Bill Maher on your side, you appeal to a younger and even wider population than most. America Needs You Now.
35733 J
35734 william gurrola ron paul allday got my vote
35735 Ethan Landress
35736 Christopher Carden Your the only way I will vote Republican on the 2012 ticket
35737 Dr. Matthew Tracey
35739 Tyler Hilligoss My dollar dominated retirement plan is counting on you. My kids futures and the IOUs that my generation has foisted upon them, depend on you winning in 2012. If for nothing else run to save our constitution.
35740 Name not displayed Paul / Kucinich 2012
35741 Name not displayed Do it so I don’t have to pay more taxes than a billion dollar company…. GE.
35742 Timothy R. Niezurawski
35743 Andrew Johnson
35744 Alan I am not American, but US freedom spill out into freedom for other countries. Responsibility in on Americans to get Ron Paul in power. We can’t do it.
35745 Name not displayed Please run!
35746 Mark Gahwiler Ron Paul for President. Now more than ever!
35747 Name not displayed Without you, America has no future.
35748 John Powell Ron, we need your voice!
35749 Michael Bennett Aloha and thank you for your work!
35750 Kurt Egger Ties up the FED! In chains with those!
35751 Erik Berg
35752 Kurt Egger Ties up the FED! In chains with those!
35753 osbaldo deloza
35754 Name not displayed Would love to see Ron Paul in the White House.
35755 Steve Schley
35756 Owamoyo tolani You need to contest,you are the best material for the job.
35757 Mark
35758 Connor Alias He seems to be more genuine then political leaders we have been seeing in the last decade. His opposition to the Patriot Act and domestic surveilence, as well as his support for this country to become once again a sovereign economy, is what I think Americans and the world wants right now.
35759 Christopher Coyle
35760 alain jaques it’s never to late! regards from switzerland
35761 Joel Chandler Your the best man for the job. It’s about time you get it.
35762 Dion Duran
35763 Phil Dobbins Run Dr. Paul! For the people.
35764 Edie Brier I have not voted yet . Although registered, I have not seen anyone I would leave the house for. I would push a marble with my nose a mile to vote for you. Our country needs hope, our country needs you.
35765 Name not displayed We can do this!
35766 Bob Franklin
35767 Darin Foster Ron Paul 2012… also love to see Jesse Ventura as a running mate!!! Thank Ron
35768 John Hatfield ron we the american people need you only you can save this country please run in 2012
35769 Joel Kilburg
35770 Alex Zywiak
35771 Edward Powell We need you!
35772 Name not displayed
35773 Grady Branch
35774 bookmakerpromos Amazing website ! Bookmarked

BetUS promotion code
35775 Name not displayed
35776 Name not displayed
35777 joshua nardi win
35778 Name not displayed
35779 Name not displayed
35780 Name not displayed You are like Obi Wan Kenobi, our only hope to save our republic.
35781 Johan Davids One of the few true voices that have real concern for the American people not the ******* bankers, their wives and their monied friends.
35782 Name not displayed
35783 sam loving Lets put the power and money back to the people and audit the Federal Government
35784 Glen Comyford Want to save America? Ron Paul 2012
35785 Terry Monn
35786 jason dustal please help us! these people are crazy!
35787 clay
35788 Mel Rondeau I voted for before, I’d be thrilled for the opportunity to vote for you again!
35789 Juan Reynoso Balance the US budget and pay our National debt. Freedom comes with responsibility.
35790 Robert Please run Dr. Paul, we need you.
35791 Arne Burk Do it for humanity
35792 Robert Lapeyrouse
35793 Jim Barton I wrote Ron in last election!
35794 Renelle Evans
35795 Name not displayed Be nice to have someone who cares about the citizens of America hold an office in Washington.
35796 Robert Evans
35797 Edward America needs some real change. America needs Dr. Paul to run
35798 Garrett Patchill You are like a light in the darkness!!! Please run!!
35799 Andrea M Berube
35800 Ashley Richardt We need more!
35801 Name not displayed
35802 Adam Weisenburger
35803 Name not displayed
35804 Kenny Link Power to the people
35805 Timothy Baxter
35806 Jason Myres I wrote in Ron Paul the last time I voted for president and I would whole-heartedly do it again!

It isn’t a wasted vote when you vote for what you believe in and I believe that this country sorely needs Ron Paul at its helm!
35807 Name not displayed
35808 Glen Henderson
35809 david bauer only you can make our country free again
35810 Name not displayed Ron Paul is America’s last hope.
35811 Name not displayed We need Ron paul before it is to late.
35812 James King Paul/Paul 2012
35813 Name not displayed Keep fighting for what is right, and i will continue to support you. I am only 20 years old going on 21 and wish there where more people my age who understood the severity of the problems that plague our beautiful country. I can only hope that if you run for president again that you will get a fair chance at the election.

P.S. dont let that propganda based media try to discredit you, and please continue to serve your supporters to the extent that you already do.
35814 kearie hellyer
35815 Jason You speak so much truth, our founding fathers would be proud of you!!!!
35816 Scott Hoskins
35817 joey keezel ron paul 2012
35818 Kit Peerboccus Mr Paul….I am a proud natrualized U.S citizen origanlly born in the UK. Having been here for 20 years, I only took an interest in politics before the 2008 election. Since that time, I’ve dedicated so much time studying the system, the parties and the horrific influence of corporations on our government. My conclusion "YOU are the answer". Out of all the politicians I’ve studied, you are the one that has it all together. Please run in 2012 and get this country back to its former glories and remind people like me why we so badly wanted to be a part of it.
35819 neil pilsner with encouragement from canada
35820 Brady Rogers PLEASE RON! You’re our last hope for positive change.
35821 Jake Born
35822 nate puzio time to get our country back to former greatness!
35823 Ely Sanchez
35824 Robert Mathews Lets not accept the destruction of our great country by liberals. We are on the edge of a civil war. We need you!
35825 Name not displayed For the sake of the world peace
35826 Josh Degutis You are the light amidst a sea of darkness, Mr. Paul. America needs you. Please never give up.
35827 Alen D. Schwab Paul 2012 is only possible with the help of support from people like me. If Ron Paul runs, I’m ready to help.
35828 Colin Bond Make it happen!
35829 Adrian Ordonez Please Be our President America Needs You
35830 Jessica Landgrebe We love you, lets run and take back this country and our rights!!
35831 Paul Ratchford We need common sense, not hope. Go Ron
35832 Name not displayed
35833 Name not displayed
35834 Jamie Lessard
35835 Name not displayed
35836 Matthew Williams You’re the only politician that represents the true American legacy. We need leadership like yours, and we need it desperately. Please run!
35837 Sarah
35838 ERzok RON PAUL!!!!!
35839 Christopher Campbell
35840 Christina RUN & WIN
35842 Kyle Lubatti
35843 kaleb bridges we need you
35844 gary hull My family. And friends need you and support you. We all need you. You are the only one we. All see talking straight truth.
35845 Name not displayed Please run! Save our country. Too many fought for our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. Run for all who were injured fighting for our freedoms. Most of all, run for the presidency for all who died fighting for America. It is my opinion they would not be happy seeing what has happened to the freedoms they fought for.

Peace and everything good Mr. Paul. ….God bless, Bob
35846 Daniel Giffin
35847 Jake Allgeier
35848 David Maddock
35849 Name not displayed If it were up to me, you should have already been running for your second presidential term. Please, run again.
35850 Matthew Alexander
35851 Jerrod Storm
35852 Robert Biondolillo
35853 Name not displayed
35854 Name not displayed he’s got my vote!!
35855 Dalmazio Brisinda We need you — at the very least — to inject some sanity into the debate. Please run.
35856 Nick hoffman We have a system designed by private bankers, run by private bankers, for the benefit of private bankers. End the Fed!
35857 Name not displayed I’m still registered as a Republican and not Libertarian yet for one reason: Ron Paul 2012.
35858 ashley turner I need a real leader!
35859 Carol K Please run…I can’t stress enough how much we all need someone with your honesty and integrity to lead us.
35860 lance malcombe i ask that you forgive me for not studying you earlier on especially in light of the last election
35861 Benjamin True
35862 Rimson Hanna Run, run, run and educate the people!!
35863 Tanya Keefe Mr Paul,

At the start of the last election, I had no idea who you were. One day I noticed a large homemade sign made out of plywood with your name in bold letters, urging people to give you their vote for president. The next - a car on the road whose owners had written messages of support on their vehicle with soap. I began to wonder… ‘Who is this person who can inspire people so much, can drive them with such a desperate need to express their support?’ Well, I went home and searched your name on the internet… and I found out who. I understood why. And, from that moment on I became a supporter.

Ron, on behalf of the intrinsically valuable human beings who populate this country, on behalf of those who believe, as our forefathers did, in government of the people, by the people, for the people…and behalf of my children… who deserve a nation they can be proud of where they can grow up free of the burdens of an over-reaching, war-mongering government. Please run for the presidency in 2012.
35864 Name not displayed
35865 Name not displayed
35866 Peter B. Bultman America cannot suffer through another typical Democrat or Republican.
35867 john tolliver dear ron paul our gov is in much needed help and i think you can fix it
35868 Jason Gauthier Thanks for speaking my mind
35869 Joshua Pierce
35870 Name not displayed Ron - We need statesmen not politicians pandering to special interests. Please consider running in 2012!
35871 Name not displayed Politicians use emotion to prove their point, Ron Paul uses history.
35872 Name not displayed
35873 Name not displayed Please run ! You are probably America’s only and last hope to free its people from the corrupt government that is destroying the country.
35874 Mike Maloney
35875 Tucker Esch American sentiment about their own country has been faltering throughout our history and now is the time for a leader of the rational and moral stature of Ron Paul to take a stand.
35876 Matt Stone There is no one on the national scene who will do more to ensure a prosperous and free United States of American than Ron Paul. If you want the best possible America in 2032 vote for Ron Paul in 2012.
35877 Michael McNerlin
35878 Dave Buerk You have my support!
35879 Name not displayed
35880 Javi i’ll vote for you ron paul!!
35881 Erez I will not vote if you are not an option for POTUS.
35882 Josh Edwards
35883 josh
35884 Name not displayed
35885 Tom We need you Ron
35886 G. Quigley Ron Paul is what’s left of the true Republication Party. Americans are ready to elect Ron Paul for President in 2012. So, we can take back America! Ron Paul Rocks!!!
35887 Name not displayed I could not agree with you more.Taco Bell Coupon Printable
35888 Name not displayed
35889 Tim Watson i like ur ideas and view points…legalizing and taxing marijuana would be a smart and large leap forward for this country…u have my vote
35890 Patrick Anderson Please run….this country is ready for you….i am proud of this country but ashamed of this government.

We are better than what is happening here and we need you to straighten this mess out.

Thanks in Advance
35891 Rochelle K. Criddle
35892 Branden Kuhn
35893 Name not displayed US mint Must create new non dollar denominated gold and silver coins that are backed by US gov for weight and purity and are sale priced in dollars set by free market to compete with fed reserve dollar as legal tender

repeal health insurance mandate
35894 Tim We need you Ron! You stand for what America Should stand for again. Get out there and in the face of everyone who continues to degrade our great nation! You have and have had my support.
35895 Julia Leist
35896 Dan Culbertson This country is sadly devoid of leaders of your character Dr. Paul. Please continue to do what you can to right the ship.
35897 Name not displayed ..
35898 JF Harrison We need more people like you, Dr. Paul! And we need more people in America to wake up from their stupor and finally recognize what’s going on. Win or not in 2012, we need more people to hear your message!
35899 Name not displayed Dont give up, dont ever give up.

- Jim Valvano
35900 Michi Hewitt
35901 Zak we need you. nothing more to be said
35902 Christy Sopher Help us Obi Wan; you’re our only hope!
35903 Chip
35904 Name not displayed Our country needs you!
35905 Name not displayed
35906 John Smith
35907 Austin Bentley This will be the first election in which I can vote in, and I honestly cannot think of anyone more deserving than you to receive me first vote.
35908 kenny We need Ron Paul to run for president, our personal freedom and liberties are at stake here. If we don’t get someone in the white house that cares about the constitution, our rights will just be continued to be sold out to the highest paying lobbyist! Please for my kids sake HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
35909 DAVE WILLIAMS my prayers are with you…….
35910 Shaun Gardner you are our only hope…
35911 Alma Caso
35912 Name not displayed
35913 Saul Park You inspire me to become a politician, Ron Paul.
35914 Paul Scalisi Please run again. One of the few remaining Constitutionalists.
35915 Jamie Fargason
35916 Dustin Campbell Are you really outside the circle of corruption and subjugation? if so, you shouldn’t have a choice in whether you should keep running
35917 David Hinds
35918 John Richardson
35919 glen Ron Paul will return our country to it’s once great roots!
35920 viki stewart
35921 Name not displayed Please consider running.
35922 Morgan Freeman
35924 Freddie Dill
35925 Philip Shawn If Ron Paul wins, make Alex Jones the White House Press Secretary ^_^
35926 Frances Dill
35927 Name not displayed If not you, whom?
35928 Eric Morris
35929 Name not displayed RUN!!!
35930 Shellie Kramer We need you now!!!
35931 Ryan
35932 Sandra Griffith Mr. Paul, please run for us one more time, we will rally your supporters. Trust us to. Just run, run for us.
35933 Name not displayed I am Free… Don’t tread on me.
35934 Michael Lombardo
35935 Name not displayed
35936 Paul Martin we need ya Ron,we need a voice for the real Americans that believe in freedom and prosperity,and less government intervention here and in other will definitely have my vote
35937 Lynn McKinley We need dome real change in Washington, I’m tired of the "business as usual" deal and I think you and Jesse Ventura are the perfect candidates for it. Paul/Ventura 2012!!
35938 Anthony Adair
35939 Charles Kearney
35940 Edward Lewellen
35941 Name not displayed
35942 Name not displayed
35943 Name not displayed I pray that God Blesses You for your honest efforts!
35944 Roger Jones Let’s educate America with a Ron Paul victory.
35945 John Geo
35946 Joaquin Labrado
35947 Lisa Fabiny
35948 Name not displayed Please run! You’re the only candidate who seems to actually care about the American people!
35949 Brian
35950 Name not displayed America needs Ron Paul!
35951 Name not displayed We need someone with a brain to fix this shit. Please run!
35952 Name not displayed
35953 Kurt
35954 Samantha Cushing
35955 lazaro posada this country needs a major change and i believe ron paul is right for the job. you have my vote!
35956 Steven Vantulden
35957 Steve Strader ill register if you run never registered cause it docent seem to matter who we put in office cause no one does the job
35958 alahna sergi
35959 ryan mooney
35960 Name not displayed Will vote only if your and independent. Will not vote republican anymore. A bunch of damn nuts.
35961 Nicholas barber
35962 Name not displayed Ron Paul 2012
35963 Ben Greene
35964 Blair Smith
35965 Name not displayed The only politician I have any faith in.
35966 James Penley
35967 Name not displayed We need you now more then ever!
35968 Jim Ryan God Bless you Dr. Paul!!
35969 Steve reddy Please hold wall street and the Fed accountable!
35970 Donny Please run in 2012 Dr. Paul, my children will thank you for it.
35971 Markus S. You inspire politicians all over the world! You should do it not just for America, but for the world. Markus from Germany
35972 Randall A. Harris You are the standard bearer. Commonsense and clarity will prevail. You must not let the Flag drop. Run; and run hard. Do not look back. The people will respond with their votes. Good luck.
35973 Garth Don Boehmlehner Lead me and my fellow United States Paratroopers out of war. Bring us back our Liberties!
35974 derek cabral
35975 Name not displayed We need you, Ron!
35976 Mina Ghandor Ron Paul, i hate to be dramatic but you are one of the few remaining hopes for this country to get reif of all the oppression and vested interest.
35977 nicholas callahan
35978 Paul Karvetski We need him now more than ever!!!
35979 Marc Rutherford Continue the revolution!!!!!! Americans and patriots support the champion of the constitution.. Help us take America back!!!!
35980 Royce Kuhre
35981 Name not displayed
35982 Name not displayed We need a president who isnt silenced and controlled by corporate america, who wants reform.
35983 Jon Nix
35984 Theresa Heitchler
35985 Jesse Heitchler
35986 Joseph Serino
35987 Bryanna Duenas
35988 Valerie Dussich GO RON! Voted for you last time in a write in vote! Will do so again!
35989 Julita Horyd We belive in you !
35990 Name not displayed
35991 jimmie johnson We need you
35992 Name not displayed We need a leader that is not afraid to speak the truth!
35993 julie moran stop the fed
35994 Gary Plummer This country needs you.
35995 Shane Andrus you have my vote
35996 David Allen
35997 Name not displayed the only way I’ll vote in this election is if you run! RON PAUL 2012!!!

Take down the Fed!
35998 Evan Newton
35999 andy in ron we trust
36000 chris I’m with you 100%

One Response to Signatures 35,001-40,000

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